This has the added benefit of giving you more to cross off - voila, a greater sense of accomplishment.
So, if you still have names to cross off on your gift list, take a look at some of these gadgets for your tech-oriented friends.
The first step in this process is to cross off those recommendations which are similar to something which has already been listed.
Her idea is: live a life and try not to create any rubbish; use different kinds of ways to save the environment, such as stopping the use of one-off objects; giving unwanted things to others or donating these things to organizations like the Red Cross.
Cross-pollination isn't ensured when an ant picks up pollen off a pancake plant: The ant may then crawl to the ground or another species.
They cross the sea, or the void, somewhere you don't want to get off - Bridges aren't somewhere you want to live, they're something you travel along and then leave.
She found a training schedule and realized she also needed to do cross training, such as riding a bike or lifting weights, on her off days.
The fact that the deal has passed off without interference widens the door to further cross-border activity in an insular industry.
There are plenty of resources (both off - and on-line) that will help you cross those business process Bridges when you get to them.
There is a sense of accomplishment by being able to cross completed tasks off a list. I just don't get the same feeling ticking a box on a screen.
Egevang was surprised to find that the birds often stop for a month in the open North Atlantic Ocean, probably to "fuel up" on fish and small crustaceans before setting off to cross the tropics.
艾治汪惊奇地发现,燕鸥经常在北大西洋可以停留近一个月。 他推测燕鸥可能在这段时间捕捉一些鱼类和小型的甲壳类海洋生物,能量得到充足补充后再动身穿越热带地区。
They're also cross-training employees to cover for their colleagues during time off, and bringing in temporary staff when needed.
Patrolling in high heels, wigs and designer bags, Japanese black-belt policemen have been cross-dressing in a bid to beat off bag-snatchers, according to a report.
To top it off, there's cross-language search with real time translation in to the language of your choice.
Then check your kitchen cabinets to see what you already have and cross it off the list.
Before each build, team member from cross function department should sign off in readiness sheet to confirm status of each function.
A short take-off and landing (STOL) aircraft must be able to fly at low controlled speeds, yet it must also offer acceptable cross-country (cruise) performance.
These riders have to go over obstacles, cross through rivers, and race on and off the course.
The cross formed was a symbol of unity and strength, and was used to ward off witches.
It is such a great feeling to cross completed tasks off of a list one by one.
Each morning, write down all the tasks you need to accomplish that day and cross off each item as you complete it.
With antique loom , Cross-knife to take off by Wei, choose the opposite approach woven by hand woven by pick.
Make different lists for all sorts of things, and when it's done, just swipe to cross it off.
Finally hanging up those pictures in your house. It always makes me happy to cross something off the "to do" list.
Finally hanging up those pictures in your house. It always makes me happy to cross something off the "to do" list.