The would-be Overlord of the galaxy wants to cut a deal with me.
Beyond the car salesman's fatter wallet, there's another incentive to cut a deal near the end of the month.
With less than two weeks to cut a deal on the budget, the White House has proposed more than $6 billion in spending cuts.
Trying to recover, the Energy Department is trying to cut a deal with a utility that is already planning a new power plant.
The best that can be hoped for in Copenhagen next month, it is suggested, is a voluntary deal to cut emissions.
And this came to pass. Only after several costly wars did Egypt and later the PLO conclude that, since Israel could not be vanquished, they had better cut a deal.
The pledge was included in a us blueprint for a climate change deal submitted to the Bonn meeting, which Pershing said was based on the need for the rich nations to cut greenhouse gases 80% by 2050.
The first thing I try and get my clients to do is cut down on their hours or at least work out a flextime deal with their bosses.
They could almost certainly get a deal by agreeing to cut spending later in exchange for borrowing now.
If one firm cut its prices, destroying the unspoken deal to carve up the market, it would succeed only in starting a price war.
On FRIDAY afternoons, residents of Washington, DC, often find a clear route out of the city as elusive as a deal to cut the deficit.
Media reports have suggested that Beijing has softened its demands for a hefty price cut after failing to reach a deal with its major overseas suppliers.
Looking at this list, I'm fascinated to notice a pattern that I've never picked up before: in all these books, a great deal has been cut out.
Like Canada, the US and several other developed nations, Britain appears to be happy to sit back and watch as hopes of reaching a binding international deal to cut carbon emissions fade away.
Absent a deal to cut the deficit and slow the growth rate of the national debt, many Republicans say they will not vote to increase the debt ceiling.
Whether it's a sweetheart deal, love money or a teddy bear hug, these terms suggest that there's a softer side to Wall Street's cut-throat, competitive - even if only on the surface.
The war on junk food. On the heels of New York's trans-fat ban, Los Angeles cut a deal with local restaurants to eliminate trans fats in 18 months.
The board environment had become very frustrating and stressful, but instead of resigning and walking away with nothing, I had cut a deal giving me a major portion of the pay I was entitled to.
The United States has been lambasted by environmental groups for blocking progress on a global deal to cut emissions.
The star is set to leave the San Siro on a free transfer, because Milan want him to accept a substantial pay-cut in exchange for a new deal as they try to trim their wage bill.
In December, while most of Washington was transfixed by the tax deal between Mr Obama and the Republicans, AARP took aim at a scheduled cut in Medicare fees to doctors.
Use better butter No, you don't have to give up the real deal — instead of a tablespoon of stick butter, use a tablespoon of whipped and cut half the calories. Saves 30.
But if you lack a legal team and have customers chomping at the bit for solutions, you have more opportunity than ever before to cut your own deal and get a piece of the action.
但如果你没有一个律师团,而你的客户又迫不及待(chompatthebit)的需要解决方案,你比以前有更多的机会让自己(cut your owndeal)去做这样的事。
As its part of the deal, Greece has to get its deficit below 3% of GDP by the end of 2012, including a four-percentage-point cut this year.
The game developer cut a deal with Beanstalk Group LLC to handle licensing for toys, clothing and books for this holiday season.
The game developer cut a deal with Beanstalk Group LLC to handle licensing for toys, clothing and books for this holiday season.