An opportunity to delve into the darkest of the dark magics!
I used this opportunity to delve into the topic of racial inequality in education.
We now wish to delve into the new octaves of love that have been anchored on Earth.
We would like to delve into why this is so that ascending initiates will better understand.
Primary care knowledge you like it or not, if they like it, there is always time to delve into the.
Not to delve into touchy issues, but there's still a large — how shall I put it — spiritual question.
I'll also begin to delve into the handling of issues like whitespace, CDATA sections, and a lot more.
Instead, I'm going to delve into some meatier ext3 topics, ones that I think you'll find very useful.
And it will have to delve into hitherto unknown realms, such as managing relationships with retailers.
This idea, so foreign to our culture, struck me as something I wished to delve into much more deeply.
The texts are put together in a new way, with an attempt to delve into the Chinese narration in them.
Objective To delve into the relationship of blood-lipid to serum bilirubin in ApoE gene-knockout mice.
The reasoning behind this is far too stupid to delve into…let's just say we were both young and a bit foolish.
So many are processed every day that there is scant time to delve into detail, let alone study cases in advance.
Objective: to delve into the influence of laser irradiation therapy on skin and immunological function of the organism.
With working definitions of architecture and design now at hand, I want to delve into a few overarching areas of concern.
As you listen you have a chance to delve into their world and see it as they do. It is the only way to learn about another person.
Since this isn't exactly a new version of the software, we're only going to delve into a few points that we think are notable.
There's a difference between getting simple answers to your questions and having time to delve into promising ideas or offers.
We wanted to delve into this group and figure out what it was about their jobs that might influence the food strategies they used.
Hence as researchers of information study we need to delve into the area and provide the theoretical guidance to the enterprises.
Objective to Delve into application of examining intestinal transmission function of mice by infusing stomach with barium sulfate.
'Yes, but that's another great topic that we just don't have the time to delve into right at this moment…Perhaps you can meet me afterwards…'
Romulus immediately began to delve into the magic matrix, but Joseph considered more, why the enemy did not guard such an important territory.
"But, to delve into some alien sociology, we are extrapolating human civilization to some future point and saying what we might do," Haqq-Misra said.
The purpose of this thesis is to delve into the process of"evolution"from personal and social angles in the perspective of Lacan's Theory of Subject.
This is troublesome for many reasons that we wish to delve into so that it can be rectified in the personal ascent of each who reads of our materials.
This is troublesome for many reasons that we wish to delve into so that it can be rectified in the personal ascent of each who reads of our materials.