To deplete or weaken gradually; devitalize.
This suggests that there remains a substantial need to deplete stocks further.
Emotional trauma is one of the quickest and easiest ways to deplete your energy reserves in an instant.
Just relying on a physical token would make it easy for wild adolescents to deplete the coffers of their parents.
Most overwhelming feelings can be attributed to trying to take on the world yourself-the surest way to deplete will power.
Unsustainable use of land and forests, meanwhile, threatens to deplete Cambodia's natural assets upon which a good portion of growth is based.
whereas the Bank of England had to deplete its foreign-exchange reserves defending the pound in 1992, the Swiss can create francs without limit.
Like cayenne pepper, it has the ability to deplete nerve cells of substance p, a chemical that transmits pain signals to the brain, when used externally.
The green space in city has significant restorative effect for psychological resource, while the grey space tends to deplete the psychological resource.
Experienced campers may enjoy an occasional edible plant, but they are careful not to deplete the surviving vegetation or disturb plants that are rare or are slow to reproduce.
Thiazide diuretics successfully reduce blood pressure for many patients, but they are also known to deplete potassium, said Oates, a professor of Medicine and hypertension specialist.
We are not against of solving the problem of energy crisis by technology methods, but technology need to deplete more energy, the rather that technology is not the passkey to all the difficulties.
That is because it may deplete its capital by selling assets at a loss or paying interest on reserves to prevent bond purchases from fuelling inflation.
Even if Europe's Banks don't face a liquidity crunch, a drop in the value of sovereign bonds would severely deplete their capital, forcing them to halt new lending.
Given the risk in Citi's loan book, that ratio needs to rise even though taking it higher could eat a massive hole in fourth-quarter earnings, and thus deplete its capital.
However, the old, thick ice that moved into this region is now beginning to melt out, which could further deplete the Arctic's remaining store of old, thick ice.
Exit from the euro area would deplete its customers in the rest of the zone of the cash and credit needed to buy German goods.
Diets also encourage people to "give up" certain foods, which can make us feel more deprived.And not only do we feel deprived, diets often deplete our bodies of important nutrients.
Deplete yourself with physical, emotional and mental exhaustion and then wait for the illness to arrive.
For example, if you do not want to drink too much at a party, then on the way to the festivities, you should not deplete your willpower by window shopping for items you cannot afford.
We thought it (trading for Gasol) was something that would benefit our team, but we didn't know if it would be reasonable if we had to do too much because it would deplete the talent on our team.
Build enough wind farms to replace fossil fuels, he says, and we could seriously deplete the energy available in the atmosphere, with consequences as dire as severe climate change.
She has allowed you to corrupt her surface and deplete many of the necessary elements that form the nutrients she needs as a living planet.
She has allowed you to corrupt her surface and deplete many of the necessary elements that form the nutrients she needs as a living planet.