Its unfair to devalue anyones work unjustly.
For example, Latvia has not been forced to devalue.
I resent the way people seem to devalue my achievement.
The idea was to devalue the dollar and make it easier for farmers to pay their debts.
Inside the euro zone, no one can be forced to devalue because no one has a currency to mark down.
We allow the Fed to devalue the dollar by printing too much money to accommodate the Congress.
Countries with severe and persistent current account deficits were allowed to devalue their currency.
With flexible exchange rates, markets force countries to devalue, which reduces their current account deficits.
Theoretically, to make up the economic ground lost in less than a decade, the Greeks would need to devalue by 40 per cent.
Without the ability to devalue, the restoration of competitiveness requires painful austerity measures and wage restraint.
Leaving the euro would allow Italy, Spain and the rest to devalue and bring their wage costs into line with workers' productivity.
Everyone is trying to devalue their currencies because that makes the debt easier to service and that primes the pump on price.
If you devalue your work by charging such a low rate, then non-designers and potential clients learn to devalue our work as well.
But intervention works best when central Banks co-ordinate their purchases, and which country is going to help another to devalue?
Since the euro was born,the Germans have proved themselves as competitive as they ever were.Unable to devalue, others have fared less well.
A country that breached half its overdraft would be required to devalue, to sell some of its gold to the ICB and to prohibit capital exports.
A persistent balance-of-payments deficit can lead to a depletion of a country's reserves of foreign currency, forcing it to devalue its currency.
Nor does it help us to devalue the precise meaning of the word. There are very real reasons why people understand certain interfaces and not others.
Japan and Brazil have taken measures recently to devalue their currencies, or at least prevent them from appreciating further against the Chinesecurrency, the renminbi.
The same skills that allow you to assign a positive emotional value to average daily activities also give you the power to devalue unwanted or inappropriate tendencies.
Greece stands out for the size of its debt stock, the scale of its budget deficit and the grimness of its growth prospects given high domestic costs and an inability to devalue.
In September first Italy and then Britain were forced to devalue, in Britain's case after spending billions of dollars trying to defend its ERM parity against speculators.
But many are skeptical of the recent findings, published in the American Journal of Hypertension, and say it is not enough to devalue the major benefits of cutting back on sodium.
Soros, who turns 81 next month, became world famous after making millions betting that the UK would be forced to devalue the pound during the 1992 Black Wednesday currency crisis.
Soros, who turns 81 next month, became world famous after making millions betting that the UK would be forced to devalue the pound during the 1992 Black Wednesday currency crisis.