It has specificity to diagnose the disease by the ultrasonic cardiogram.
Using the image processing techniques in medical field can help doctors to diagnose the disease better.
A survey of Alzheimer's patients has identified some distinctive proteins in the blood that could be used to diagnose the disease more effectively.
It is important to diagnose the disease of encephalic hemorrhage with the help of image processing technique and calculate the hemorrhage accurately.
Conclusion Extreme outer lumbar disc herniation has special clinical characteristic. High distinguishing thin layer ct is the best way to diagnose the disease at present.
A newly identified imaging compound that shows how Alzheimer's disease ravages the brain could lead to better tools to diagnose the disease and better ways to evaluate new treatments.
What we are doing is a high-tech version of that to help doctors diagnose the disease.
Early detection saves lives. But the most common way to diagnose TB, visually checking sputum samples for the microbe that causes the disease, requires sophisticated equipment and trained personnel.
But the most common way to diagnose TB, visually checking sputum samples for the microbe that causes the disease, requires sophisticated equipment and trained personnel.
Good medical treatment is available for the potentially deadly disease, but the condition in milder forms can be difficult to diagnose.
Though the project still has a long way to go, it has already helped develop a test to diagnose the early stages of the disease.
Poor countries need equipment to address these challenges - not just to diagnose and monitor the disease at hospitals but potentially at border posts and airports as well.
Until now, the broad array of causes of cholestasis including genetic, metabolic, inflammatory and drug- or toxin- induced disorders, created a challenge for physicians to diagnose a specific disease.
The discovery could prove important in the search to develop a blood test to diagnose the likelihood of developing the disease in later life.
Or they may move into the area of health physics to help physicians to find new ways to use atomic isotopes to diagnose and treat disease.
The researchers hope saliva-based tests could be used to diagnose cancer, heart disease, diabetes and a number of other conditions.
Clinicians should enhance the recognition to its early diagnose and comprehensively treat the disease.
Cancer research UK carries out world-class research to improve understanding of the disease and find out how to prevent, diagnose and treat different kinds of cancer.
"These complications are the equivalent of a failed stress test," she says. Doctors use exercise stress tests to diagnose heart disease.
Objective: To investigate the relationship between sterility, spontaneous abortion and abnormal chromosome karyotypes, and that would be help for clinical diagnose for hereditary disease.
Objective To analyze and summarize diagnose of mesenteric ischemia disease and the treatment effect.
Conclusions: The chang of platelet parameter is very important to diagnose, prevent or treat nervous system disease.
Conclusions The G-6-PD deficiency was a common disease in this district and screening with umbilical blood may be a useful way to diagnose it.
结论G - 6 - PD缺陷在本地区常见,脐血筛查可作为诊断G - 6 - PD缺陷的有力依据,对降低其发病率有重要意义。
It was a scanning device that, among other things, was used by the show's doctor to diagnose disease and assess the health of a patient.
Conclusion: To successfully cure the disease, we should diagnose and treat it early, and lay a strong emphasis on the treatment for complication and combined injury.
Many teams have been seeking ways to diagnose Alzheimer's in its early stages, which would allow doctors to give people drugs aimed at slowing the disease.
Conclusion The study shown that CT is an accurate and quick approach to diagnose this kind of disease.
To summarize the position and status of BNP s study in pediatric cardiovascular disease and its value of referring to diagnose the heart failure in childhood.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.