The pedestal drives a cuboid antenna, which can pitch and roll to direct at target accurately, and is driven by servo control.
At a construction site, assistant site managers report to head site managers and plan, direct and coordinate the necessary tasks to complete that day's activities.
"When our minds are at ease, we're more likely to direct the spotlight of attention towards that stream of remote associations emanating from the right hemisphere," Lehrer writes.
Artist Michael Craig-Martin said: "Andria's brilliant project to bring artists from all fields into direct contact with children is particularly welcome at a time when the arts are being downgraded in schools."
That remark does not refer to [direct at] her.
It is similar to direct addressing mode in that the final address is known at either assemble or link time.
However, there is insufficient evidence at present to support the hypothesis that depression has a direct causal relationship with subsequent dementia.
Though disabling an aircraft’s avionics will obviously cause it to crash, in many other cases, no direct harm is done to people at all.
Some fringe developed economies with a reputation for tough regulatory controls and limited direct or indirect exposure to the subprime problem at the root of the crisis have benefited.
Whether they come in the form of Gowalla-style comments, leaving private messages for friends at venues or direct user-to-user communication remains to be seen.
它们是否会以Gowalla 风格的评论、在地点上给好友留下私人信息,还是直接的用户对用户的交流方式出现还未可知。
Direct buses from Varanasi to the Nepalese border at Sunauli take 9 hours and cost about rs 100.
This compares to banner advertising that averages below 1 percent and paper-based direct marketing at 1 percent to 2 percent.
而banner广告的回复率在1%以下,基于纸媒的直接营销在1% - 2%之间。
Most commonly, these cases occur in persons with direct exposure to pigs (e.g. children near pigs at a fair or workers in the swine industry).
All the experts agree that having a passion for your product and a professional approach to your business should be at the heart of any direct-selling enterprise.
It provides direct access to those enterprise services that your business depends on, and at the same time adds powerful dynamic language constructs to your toolkit.
If the answer is no, you might want to take another look at those direct marketing Numbers.
At the same time, an enterprise architect should be able to view his or her domain at a level of abstraction that forestalls direct involvement in the practical aspects of implementations.
During my years at Stanford working with him was a great source of joy and excitement for me, and for the other 10 to 15 PHD students who had direct interaction with him at the same time.
This is difficult news to share. Because our success at Microsoft has always been the direct result of the talent, hard work, and commitment of our people, eliminating positions is hard.
A dam or embankment is built to keep in the water, which freezes at night and remains frozen in the absence of direct sunlight.
The outer small turning vanes are now more straight (1) and lower, while the endplate itself is more curved towards the outside (3) at the rear to better direct airflow away from the front tyres.
These machines then gave instructions to the hacked PC - generally ordering them to direct traffic straight at victim websites, in attempt to overload them and force them to crash.
Clipboard-carrying concierges greet customers at the door to direct them to the right section of the store or to the personal shopper or trainer with whom they had made an appointment.
Efforts to reconcile Palestinians appeared to take a step forward on Sunday when Hamas and Fatah representatives meeting in Yemen agreed to hold direct talks aimed at resolving their split.
In the experimental design, monkeys were placed in front of a computer screen and were trained to perform a saccade task, in which they learned to direct their gaze at specific areas.
The China Gold coin Incorporation will distribute the COINS through branches, direct selling centers and licensed retailers to buyers at home and abroad.
Doesn’t he promise to sort out Iran by means of direct talks at the highest level, a necessary step that George Bush could never quite bring himself to take?
Doesn’t he promise to sort out Iran by means of direct talks at the highest level, a necessary step that George Bush could never quite bring himself to take?