If you want to pick things to disapprove of, the rating agencies would be far down on the list.
We assume the role of the manager and use the BPC Explorer to process the approval task, deciding to disapprove the order.
Paul is a meticulous taskmaster on a job site, and he tends to disapprove of my cutting corners - as I tried to do by reducing the concrete in the foundation.
Any omission or failure on the part of the Owner's inspector to disapprove or reject any work or materials shall not be construed as an acceptance of any defective work or materials.
If you have submitted an AD and do not see it approved within a few hours, please bear this in mind and wait - unless you give us reason to disapprove it, your AD will appear in due time.
She wants to be an actress, but her parents disapprove.
"Do you disapprove, nanna?" Justine growled, ready to do battle.
If parents are by their daughter's divorce, dislike her new husband, and disapprove of how she is raising their grandchildren, chances are that they are not going to enjoy her visits.
If parents are angered by their daughter's divorce, dislike her new husband, and disapprove of how she is raising their grandchildren, chances are that they are not going to enjoy her visits.
I disapprove of artists who cuddle their work and inflate its importance so much that they worry about every minute detail to the point of redundancy.
The number who disapprove has jumped from 44% in December to 53%, and 48% say they are now mostly resentful of Obama's policies towards Banks and financial institutions.
We disapprove of referring bilateral disputes to multilateral forums because that will only make these issues bigger and more complicated.
For instance, if your husband is prone to fits of cursing in front of your child, let him know it's not okay. Let him know WHY it's not okay, not just that you disapprove.
Those who disapprove of it vastly overestimate its capacity to corrupt.
More than 80% disapprove of BP, according to a new poll, and more than two-thirds are dissatisfied with the federal response.
Yet people who disapprove of using animals to conduct medical research still contribute to it through the federal taxes they pay.
The commission's proposal would also call for Congress to approve or disapprove any "significant armed conflict" within 30 days.
Protestant countries disapprove of cruelty to animals.
In our order process, we use the human task to get the request to the manager, who will analyze the order and return a decision to approve or disapprove the order.
It will also be a great way for my fiancee to track our progress and see whose ideas are whose and approve or disapprove at will.
More seriously, Americans disapprove of Mr Obama’s plan to close the prison at Guantánamo Bay by 50% to 44%.
With one voice they disapprove of you, all bossily saying that it is your job to mentor talent (horrid phrase) and that if you even think of keeping him down you are a worm.
Even though they disapprove of the Afghanistan operation, 60% accept that such missions are unavoidable, according to Allensbach, a polling organisation.
Many Iranians disapprove of women raising their voices, a problem when it comes to rehearsals.
This causes the approvalResponse operation to be called, with an approval response value of "disapprove" (and the orderId for correlation).
这会导致调用 approvalResponse操作和审批响应值 "disapprove"(以及用于关联的orderId)。
To those educationists who disapprove of testing, let Myers be a lesson to you, and to me, as I sit down in her new office (passing five girls waiting nervously outside the door).
Voters are more worried about the economy than anything else, YouGov found, and they disapprove of Barack Obama's handling of it by a margin of 47% to 43%.
YouG ov还发现,再没有什么比经济更让选民担心的了,对于奥巴马的经济处理方案,不赞同的比例为47%,赞同的占43%。
Voters are more worried about the economy than anything else, YouGov found, and they disapprove of Barack Obama's handling of it by a margin of 47% to 43%.
YouG ov还发现,再没有什么比经济更让选民担心的了,对于奥巴马的经济处理方案,不赞同的比例为47%,赞同的占43%。