As our insensitivity has increased, so naturally has our ability to discern that insensitivity declined.
It was difficult to discern that despite all the abstruse vocabulary the professor was really a charlatan.
For example, from 40,000 individual pieces of data recorded this spring we were able to discern that spring 2011 was the earliest arriving this century.
Finally, an empirical regression model was established to discern that X trust has the most impact, and then authority and market trust respectively, on the wil...
Finally, an empirical regression model was established to discern that X trust has the most impact, and then authority and market trust respectively, on the willing of tran...
Dear Ones, the eclipses of 2011 are an offering to make any necessary shifts that you discern appropriate in your individual and collective life stream.
Know God, know His character, and you will be able to discern the voices that come to you, whether they are His, yours, or the enemy's.
When God confirms His message in many people at the same time, it builds faith in us to know that we really do recognize and discern His voice.
Another problem with the data is that it fails to discern when respondents cheat: in a troubled time in the marriage, or at the end of a failing relationship.
Unfortunately for science, the nearest young stars that could be producing planets are so far away that conventional telescopes are unable to discern what is in the cradle.
The actual effect is difficult to discern; yields have actually risen since QE began, but that is mostly because the economy has improved.
Even so the eye finds it difficult to discern colours with night vision, but despite that I could even see the red at the top of the bow.
The strategic purpose of a recent tour that took him to some of the world’s least salubrious regimes is, however, easier to discern.
Although it is clear that the hukou system as a tool of social control is obsolete, the impact of “hukou re-unification” is much more difficult to discern.
Their goal is to discern the larger picture, hoping to spot associations between genes and health that would not show up until very large Numbers of individuals are compared at once.
The only difference I could discern was that the dream tree had an energy to it that made it feel slightly more alive than a real tree.
Only thorough research could discern that residents of high-rise buildings are more likely to be victims of crime, because stacked tenants make for poor monitors of the surrounding streets.
When the car's 16-kilowatt-hour battery pack becomes depleted, the car automatically switches to a gas engine-a transition that is remarkably smooth (it's nearly impossible to discern on the road).
So I was compelled to say, in praising true philosophy, that it was from it alone that was able to discern any justice.
"We've been testing people'sability to discern a lie for 15 years now and haven't noticed any real changeover that time," he says in a telephone interview.
That you don't have hyphenation is indeed not a minor issue: it makes things much worse as you get a ragged text that makes it impossible to discern where a paragraph ends.
From Simon's (1947) classic book concerning decision-making processes, readers should be able to discern principles of general organization that apply to administrative organization of great variety.
With Twitter especially, it is difficult to discern where links are going due to the 140 character limit and the use of services that shorten URLs.
尤其对t witter用户而言,很难通过140个字符辨别链接内容,更何况还有很多链接缩写服务。
From within one will discern what requires understanding to be forgiven so that one can create a biology that attunes to Tao thought-form.
After that, we can discern which is user churn incline characteristic, we can summarize these characteristics, and to predict a user's churn behavior.
After that, we can discern which is user churn incline characteristic, we can summarize these characteristics, and to predict a user's churn behavior.