Do you think I am trying to distract you from meditation?
There are no garish elements to distract you from your work.
It tends to distract you from the 'real "pathologic conditions."
The pain, apparently in the body, is intended to distract you from its real source in the mind.
You are confident because you won’t allow emotional praise or criticism to distract you from your goals.
It will take God's help if someone threatens you or tries to distract you from doing the right thing.
Please note, the ideas in this article are meant only to distract you from daily doldrums that affect us all from time to time.
The dynamic information creates yet another thing to actively track since you'll be processing the changes and it's yet another thing that can distract you from your work.
I could go on but I do not want to distract you any further from beginning (or continuing) your own path to a meaningful existence - of discovering, being and becoming your authentic self.
You may be forced to have a first impression from criticism or flattery, but you can then re-evaluate that so it doesn't distract you from your goals.
Put a tie on and you instantly feel better, look smarter and, if it's a good tie, will be able to use it to distract from your pallid complexion.
Shortcuts are always short-sighted. They distract you from getting where you need to go and from what God wants you to do in your life.
They distract you from getting where you need to go and from what God wants you to do in your life.
And while reading a book may be a good way to distract yourself from life's stresses, it's better to do so before you get in bed as part of your nighttime unwinding routine.
Dress with the following in mind: What you want is for the parents to realize how awesome you are, and the last thing you want is for your clothing to distract from that.
Try to make them comfortable, treat them like you would everyone else, and sometimes it's best to distract them from their minds.
But I've tried to minimize Wicket's "footprint" so that it doesn't distract you from learning how to write an OpenID Relying Party.
Try to not shop with your kids; they can often distract you from making the right choices and reading ingredient labels.
These thoughts are always going through my mind and sometimes it can be bad for your concentration because it does distract you from the goal I have to play and enjoy my football.
Do you know how much I care. I just don't want to make you in trouble. Let me find something to do to distract from this.
It may be beneficial to be alone so that others cannot distract you from your inward search.
I could go on but I do not want to distract you any further from beginning (or continuing) your own path to a meaningful existence - of discovering, being and becoming your authentic self.
I could go on but I do not want to distract you any further from beginning (or continuing) your own path to a meaningful existence - of discovering, being and becoming your authentic self.