Walsh said the European Union should use its emissions trading scheme as a fore-runner for a global programme but not attempt to drag in non-EU airlines lest they take legal action.
Huxley speculated that a coat of hair would insulate against loss of body heat and might streamline the body to reduce drag in flight.
Drag the child work items data set to an empty data cell in the links table.
Popups are minimized and stacked in the lower right corner. You can drag them to show the blocked window.
In 3d, the arrow keys can be used in lieu of the mouse drag to rotate the image.
Now you can drag and drop your physical data model to the source, and in the target box you can drag and drop your XML schema document.
If a Story does not get completed in the current sprint, drag it to the new sprint (see Note).
Drag a Generic Browser container to the blank application panel in the center.
If you had the naggingfeeling that it was illegal to drag a dead horse down a street in Toronto, you'd be absolutely right.
Drag the cursor to the desired location in the layout form.
Drag and drop some or all of the navigation files to positions in the navigation template.
After you add a documentation plug-in to your toolkit, you must drag its content into the navigation of your solution information project.
Do not worry if you drop the widget in the wrong place, it is easy to drag it to the correct place.
Some people find this helpful when they get lost inside their design, or when they wish to drag an arrow to a page which is not quite visible in the main window.
The euro crisis presents France with the best chance in decades to drag the eu back on track.
Drag and drop the documents to a position in the navigation template.
Subtle kiss denotes purity, but it may show that he has no idea how to drag you in.
You can drag and drop a variety of actions in any order to configure your message processing rule.
This may make time seem to drag, but in fact it is probably a more accurate perception of reality.
Some of the homes are still rather liveable. Hunters and fishermen leave their equipment there in order not to drag it along.
Over the next weeks, groups of men tried to drag him to Sweden but were driven back, and they had to shelter him again in holes in the ice.
In the end, I send them out with a long shopping list, set the timer on my phone to go off in ten minutes and drag Colin upstairs.
It transforms your browser into a 3-d photo wall allowing you to zoom, click and drag photos easily in a slick format.
你的浏览器会变成3 - D图片墙,你可以轻松而流畅地放大、点击、拖拽相片。
Nordegren told police she had smashed a window in the car with a golf club to drag her husband out of the locked vehicle.
Your site is constantly creating in its users a desire to click, or drag, or highlight.
You can either repeat the previous steps to drag and drop items, or you can type in the expression manually.
The problem is that the recession looks set to drag on much longer in Spain than elsewhere; many forecasters see no recovery before the end of 2010.
There's nothing like having to drag yourself into work day in and day out if it is giving you little meaning.
One horsepower is the amount of energy it takes to drag a horse 500 feet in one second.
Capability to create hyperlinks to model elements in descriptions with drag-and-drop.