Efforts to explain this sudden reduction in child deaths appeared to draw a blank.
Sometimes I need to draw a few lines or some text on an image or a blank canvas.
Take a screenshot of the page, import it in Photoshop, then draw a blank rectangle and try to approximate the gradients, glow, and shadow used until you get the right look.
Over 30% of English vocabulary was adopted from French, so if you're speaking French to someone and you suddenly draw a blank, take a chance and "Frenchify" an English word.
Do you draw a blank trying to think of things to talk about after you've introduced yourself?
One rule is not to leave anything blank. If a question is not relevant, draw a little line in the space, so the dean knows you saw the question.
One rule is not to leave anything blank. If a question is not relevant, draw a little line in the space, so the dean knows you saw the question.