After the text has been drawn on the image, put a thin black box around the text and draw a line from the bottom of the box to the associated data point.
But two decades after TV's Murphy Brown caused a public furor by having a child without a husband around, many people still draw the line when it comes to single motherhood.
当初美国经典喜剧《墨菲布朗》讲述了女主人公墨菲·布朗(Murphy Brown)没有丈夫却独自抚养孩子的事情,一时引起美国社会轰动,如今20年过去了,但在提及单身妈妈时,大多数美国人仍然拒不容忍。
To have smoky eyes, you need a thick eyeliner. Use the eyeliner draw a line around your eyelids and smudge smudge it gently.
To have smoky eyes, you need a thick eyeliner. Use the eyeliner draw a line around your eyelids and smudge smudge it gently.