Many people are growing plants to eat in their own gardens at home.
Many old people still remember clearly that they didn't have enough food to eat in the early 1960s.
We like to go to eat in fast food restaurants, but children only play with the plastic toys they give us for a few minutes before they get thrown away.
Sometimes choosing where to eat in Suzhou is something of a challenge.
When I'm asked to name my favourite place to eat in Suzhou, I will reply right away, "Song He Lou Restaurant".
It was lunch hour at the dig site, and the workers had gone to eat in the shade.
Now he was starving and wasn't sure if he was allowed to eat in the cafeteria or not.
The food that NASA's early astronauts had to eat in space is a testament to their fortitude.
Anyway, she'd drive me around in it and although she didn't like me to eat in it, I always did.
Usually they go shopping for food in the supermarket, and they like to eat in restaurants on holidays or weekends.
If you live with other people you can try to use this opportunity to get everyone together at the table to eat in the mornings.
It took place at the Biltmore Hotel, which, to my eight-year-old mind, was just about the fancies place to eat in all of Providence.
Me? When I go out I mostly prefer to eat in peace with my wife and friends without people knowing where we are -i guess we all get old.
Me? When I go out I mostly prefer to eat in peace with my wife and friends without people knowing where we are - I guess we all get old.
He gave you manna to eat in the desert, something your fathers had never known, to humble and to test you so that in the end it might go well with you.
On reflection it is clear that the snack would be a handy thing to eat in a blackout, but the retailer would not have thought to stock up on it before a storm.
Or, separate your meal before you start eating so that you create a distinction between what you are going to eat in the restaurant and what you want to take home.
Anyway, she'd drive me around in it and although she didn't like me to eat in it, I always did. One day, I was eating cantaloupe slices, spitting the seeds on the floor.
Considering guests will have to eat in the mess hall and sleep next to a toilet, it's pretty safe to say that anyone with more than budget needs should steer clear of the Jail.
MEALTIMES: Many meals in America are arranged around popular television shows, people like to eat in front of the TV, not always sitting at a table, they sit in a chair or on a sofa.
Did we expect starving Somalians to stand passively on their beaches, paddling in our nuclear waste, and watch us snatch their fish to eat in restaurants in London and Paris and Rome?
The children of fathers who believed they didn't have a lot of control at work and who also placed less value on family meal time were also more likely to eat in fast-food restaurants.
Moses also said, "you will know that it was the Lord when he gives you meat to eat in the evening and all the bread you want in the morning, because he has heard your grumbling against him."
He ignored distinctions of race or caste and was happy to eat rice from an aluminum plate in the house of an untouchable.
The fish, thinking they might be good to eat, came to the top of the water in great numbers.
There were only two means left to him in order to get a bite to eat.
The doctor advised people to eat more bean products in place of meat as that can make us healthier.
The doctor advised people to eat more bean products in place of meat as that can make us healthier.