I was reasonably fit, played a lot of tennis, and didn't smoke or drink to excess.
He started drinking to excess after losing his job.
Any benefit alcohol provides can be undone by drinking to excess.
You could call it energy and candour, great American virtues, carried to excess.
The answer comes back once again to excess risk taking and leverage in the banking sector.
Both tend to lead to excess liquidity due to a high savings rate on incremental income growth.
Laughter in the workplace is great, but when done to excess it distracts from getting the job done.
Credit CARDS are not just a call to excess, but also a form of insurance against shortfalls in cash.
Alcohol is dehydrating to the skin, leading to excess moisture loss which can increase skin dryness.
We must stop harvesting natural resources to excess and bring them back from the brink of extinction.
First and most obviously, they are less likely to smoke, drink to excess, abuse drugs or drive too fast.
Warnings that drinking to excess will expand the waistline only concerned just over a quarter, or 27 per cent.
Her spirit was high, though not rough, and qualified by a heart sensitive and lively to excess in its affections.
Periods of stability always lead to excess and eventual crisis, and freer financial markets only lead to greater damage.
Patients with adrenal gland problems may have a variety of symptoms related to excess hormone production by the abnormal gland.
Adam, as a successful weight-loser, I can tell you that the view that excercise is a solution to excess weight is misguided.
Smoking and alcohol abuse are the major causes, but 25 percent of oral cancers appear in people who have never smoked or drunk to excess.
Given those fundamentals, the case for arguing that commodity prices have been driven to excess by speculators looks rather stronger.
The adjustments that tenants themselves are able to make can be controlled too, so that heating or air-conditioning is not used to excess.
Some people lose themselves in playing computer games or eat or drink to excess. And some people feel numb, as if nothing has happened.
This is not an endorsement to drink to excess — large amounts of alcohol will damage your brain — but the occasional tipple may do you some good.
Property may be prone to excess everywhere but the policy response to the events of the past decade will—and should—vary from country to country.
As the photographer commented, look at how green the grass is in some pictures (see those below) : it is evidence of exposure to excess nitrogen.
He adds that core capital goods tend to be seasonally weak in the first month after the quarter, due to excess seasonality in the machinery category.
Professor Christopher Hawkey's comments come as a new poll shows that more than five out of six people are unaware the disease is linked to excess weight.
克里斯托弗·霍基(Christopher Hawkey)教授这一意见的发表,正值一项新的民意调查显示,超过六分之五的受调查者没有意识到肝硬化疾病与超重有关。
Just before Christmas the Office for National Statistics had more bad news for bourgeois boozers: it has, apparently, been under-counting the Britons who drink to excess.
Just before Christmas the Office for National Statistics had more bad news for bourgeois boozers: it has, apparently, been under-counting the Britons who drink to excess.