She may be faking it in bed but don't expect her to fake it during childbirth".
On the second day, Huang didn't have to fake it anymore; he really was excited.
But this raises some weird questions. I am human, so why should I need to fake it?
When it comes to poor self-confidence, sometimes you just need to fake it to make it.
Instead, she's trying to fake it and spending (wasting?) a lot of money to keep up the appearance.
Rafel Lomo. looks for unique idea that try to solve the problem that basically boils down to fake it.
I can usually hold a conversation on pretty much any topic, and if I can't, I usually try to fake it.
Men reading this statistic would find it unbelievable. Now there is no reason for women to fake it ever again!
Why are some girls especially strong? Because they're afraid of being hurt again, they begin to learn how to fake it.
You've got to fake it until you make it, so it's better to fake it as the most accomplished person you could imagine.
Sure, on the other 364 days of the year we might try to fake it, but on this one day, the world agrees: Love is where it's at.
Genuine people don't need to fake it or pretend to be what or who they are not as there are no privileges for them to live under such a guise.
It's not cool to fake it. In other words, if a company began life selling pretty knitwear, it should think very carefully before venturing into, say, leather jackets.
Probably thousands of people have already been using it, but I just discovered it, so I'm going to claim it and also name it: Fake Foning.
Since the key card he is working on is a fake Milo runs into problems trying to decode it.
As much as we would like it to be true, some readers pointed out to us that this photo is fake.
The videos all brought forth have been proven fake or are so obviously fake no one has wasted time and resources to look into it.
The fate of the discs is unknown, but they contain just the sort of information sought after by identity thieves, who could use it to procure fake documents, commit fraud and empty bank accounts.
And there's no guarantee that all those who read or heard about a fake announcement will get to hear that it was in fact a hoax.
It was used by netizens to show their helplessness in face of false conclusions and fake media reports.
But never mind that, Mr. Perry suggests; those scientists are just in it for the money, "manipulating data" to create a fake threat.
Just like an actor, you can fake it, but we're not wired for our emotions to change on command.
Sure, it can be harmless to impersonate a celeb online or create a fake profile for a movie character.
It's hardly surprising, in the long run, that we fake it in bed - we're actively encouraged to fake all kinds of things in life. Game face.
That was the first of hundreds of nights we would simply have to fake normalcy and hope it felt the same.
If you say what you think parents want to hear or make statements just to calm them, it might sound fake.
Shown a picture, most of us can spot a fake smile as it tends to involve only the mouth.
The most dangerous way to lose time is not to spend it having fun, but to spend it doing fake work.
Never to feel real love, to try and fake it by marrying a woman if you're a gay man, and live an entire life alone and without love because God made you born that way!
A new EU-funded report has declared that it is OK to buy fake goods for both consumers and operators of top brands.