They also experience disillusionment and heartache, causing them to fall back.
Of course, showbiz is a good profession to fall back on - even after a long absence.
So they may eat up their savings and have to fall back on the state's means-tested benefit at 65.
Mr Papaconstantinou insists that Greece does not plan to fall back on support from the EU and IMF.
Remember not to fall back on old acquisitive habits. Then enjoy your newfound freedom from clutter.
Demonstrate your commitment to the transition by declining people's request to fall back on old habits.
The unemployed typically have few liquid assets to fall back on and little chance of a loan from the bank.
Plan to have at least one year's living expenses to fall back on or provided for by a second household income.
Most players who want to make it to the pros don’t have an education to fall back on when things don’t work out.
When we're caught off-guard, we're more likely to fall back into old, ineffective habits like the combat mentality.
Even if you find yourself starting to fall back into your old ways, that doesn't mean it's time to abandon the plan.
Forced into an adversarial position with an indifferent society, they have nothing to fall back on but their talents.
By 2010, moreover, Mr Obama will no longer be able to fall back on the excuse that all of this was beyond his control.
The pilot would then experience about a minute and a half of zero-G before the spacecraft begins to fall back to Earth.
And so although we may occasionally move to higher levels, we'll continue to fall back into that safe zone to communicate.
At this point, therefore, I've no choice but to fall back on my own subjective experience, which tells me this isn't the case.
Know at least two or three languages, so if one dies off, you have another one to fall back on while you train for a new technology.
I even wrote a novel about how people needed to fall back on antiquated technology to survive the storm when everything else failed.
The more challengers who threaten Mr Romney’s lead, only to fall back again, the more inevitable his ultimate victory begins to appear.
Allowing one customer to dictate my hours was the worst mistake I ever made as when that contract was over I had nothing to fall back on.
Of course, the worst case is to fall back to using threads for blocking actions that really cannot be converted into asynchronous callbacks.
In this way if one crop gets diseased, or one harvest succumbs to drought, or one hillside is flooded, they have alternatives to fall back on.
Low-income countries, weakened by high food and fuel prices over the last year, “have little to fall back on in terms of sheltering the vulnerable.
Many were under the delusion that their sports, acting, or music talent was their key to success and they did not need an education to fall back on.
In the absence of figures from the practitioners, experts tend to fall back on surveys of victims, often compiled by firms that sell security software.
He expects those prices to fall back and, with them, core inflation, helped by steep declines in Labour costs as productivity quickens and wages stall.
Having even a small cushion of savings to fall back on allows people to deal with the unexpected, such as suddenly having to pay for medical treatment.
Having even a small cushion of savings to fall back on allows people to deal with the unexpected, such as suddenly having to pay for medical treatment.