And we find it hard to believe a company like Nintendo would risk its reputation on an untested 3d technology that ends up causing customers to feel nauseous.
Standing outside the hotel, craning my head skywards to its apex, I began to feel faintly nauseous.
Listen to your body - if you're still running a fever, coughing up green muck and feel nauseous at the thought of getting on the train or bus, don't go into work.
It's hard to be optimistic about your recovery or to feel good about yourself when, among other things, you are nauseous and all your hair has fallen out.
If these symbols cause one to feel dizzy, nauseous or faint and uncomfortable, we guide you to return to the Language of Light section and master these tones first in one's personal ascension.
If these symbols cause one to feel dizzy, nauseous or faint and uncomfortable, we guide you to return to the Language of Light section and master these tones first in one's personal ascension.