He seemed to feel no remorse at all.
For example, you might be reluctant to close because you're afraid that your customer might feel "buyer's remorse" and stop liking you -- a form of rejection.
But when I tell them I feel remorse, they say psychopaths pretend to be remorseful when they're not.
In many cases, the line workers want the public to know that they feel remorse for the nuclear crisis, but also that they are trying their best to fix it.
Faced with infinite choices, we experience uncertainty, insecurity, and confusion; and we feel remorse, regret, and guilt when in retrospect our choices turn out to be poor ones.
Countries that have lived beyond their means may feel a justifiable remorse as their booms turn to bust. Surplus countries are simply stupefied by their plight.
You were the first person that I had a slow dance with. The first one I 've ever felt this way about. The first I could ever tell such secrets to and never feel any remorse or regret.
Think about it. When we compare ourselves to Shakyamuni Buddha, shouldn't we feel great remorse?
These people should logically have the greatest need to write "a Record of Shame," but quite likely they have no recollection of what they did and feel no remorse over it.
Do not know our entrepreneur whether real in earnest versa feel remorse this problem, the difficult way is just the employee to the not honest result in business enterprise?
This does not mean that you should rush to forgive yourself or not feel regret or remorse;
This does not mean that you should rush to forgive yourself or not feel regret or remorse;