GM is expected to file for bankruptcy this Monday.
Even so, he says, he expects he will have to file for bankruptcy.
They figured that people shouldn't have to file for bankruptcy because they got sick.
Chrysler LLC has worked out at least some contingency plans in case it has to file for bankruptcy protection.
They had to file for bankruptcy, and that's when Ashley decided that she had to do something to help her mom.
General Motors' decision to file for bankruptcy protection is a huge deal in the business history of the us and possibly the globe.
Perhaps more invasive, life insurers seek disclosure of hospitalization for mental illness, use of illegal drugs, and whether or not you have had to file for bankruptcy.
For example, GM's (GM) debts and pension obligations grew so large that the company simply could not sell enough cars to pay the tab. The company had to file for bankruptcy.
Investors have been very nervous that Banks will have to be nationalized, or that they will have to file for bankruptcy protection, as both options would wipe out all shareholder value.
The company said it would use a 30-day grace period to continue discussions with its lenders and that it plans to file for bankruptcy protection no later than the end of the grace period.
According to European Union law, a company can request to file for bankruptcy in the country where it has its "centre of main interest", and creditors will fight to avoid the worst regimes.
A bankruptcy process would be further complicated by G.M. 's sprawling global nature - and by the prospect that its subsidiaries might have to simultaneously file for bankruptcy in other countries.
Try to follow my logic: If lawyers in the financial-distress business can't pay off their bills, well, they can always file for bankruptcy.
In the latest bankruptcy by a big newspaper publisher, the holding company for MediaNews said it planned to file for Chapter 11 in a prepackaged agreement with creditors.
JAL spokeswoman declined to comment on whether the airline would file for bankruptcy protection.
Those banks that simply could not be saved had to file for Chapter XI bankruptcy proceedings.
It would only apply to loans made on or before Jan. 1, 2008, and borrowers will be disqualified if they file for bankruptcy.
It would only apply to loans made on or before Jan. 1, 2008, and borrowers will be disqualified if they file for bankruptcy.