Additionally, the Alexandria bombing is going to focus attention on Egypt's worsening sectarian tensions.
"The smart thing to do is to focus attention on the controls around financial reporting and disclosures," he says.
The mind has a remarkable ability to focus attention on just one voice from a chorus (see: the cocktail party effect).
After both events, the public's generosity was enormous. Winfrey and Freeman both used their star power to focus attention on those who were suffering.
Algorithms are presented using prose instead of pseudocode to focus attention on the algorithms themselves, rather than on specific computational models.
The former approach helps to focus attention on the range of impact of the alternatives, whereas the latter emphasizes the overall setting of the problem.
Rather, they are trying to focus attention on cognitive faculties that go beyond intelligence - what they describe as the essential tools of rational thinking.
In recent months many organizations have begun to focus attention on Model Driven Architecture (MDA) 1 as an approach to application design and implementation.
The important thing to remember about a program is that it organizes projects to focus attention on the delivery of a specific set of strategic business results.
In order to satisfy this increasingly urgent need, the English teaching in senior middle school in China has begun to focus attention on the oral English training.
Facebook admitted that it had hired Burson "to focus attention on this issue," and the company said it now realizes it should have handled the situation "in a serious and transparent way."
To be sure, the effort to hold simultaneously in mind what was happening in widely separated parts of the earth requires us to focus attention on certain aspects of reality and to pass others by.
To bear in mind buyers CARDS has sprouted, only way is to focus attention on brand, to grasp the destiny in playing CARDS with the habits and skills, so you can guess the hands of all of the CARDS.
For example, on the way home, focus your attention outside of yourself, instead of thinking about the problems you have to deal with.
Some people would argue that governments should focus on raising funds for people rather than paying attention to wild animals.
Examine types of sentences they use, pay attention to their metaphors, and focus on stories you feel you could write a pretty cool sequel to.
The students do not focus their attention on trying to remember the vocabulary but focus on using the language to communicate.
Students should be able to make a selection from a range of reference materials and focus their attention on one of them.
Because of this, I can't focus my attention on anything and don't even feel like talking to anybody.
Those scientists very often see the same things that other scientists see, but they pay more attention to them, and they focus on them to the point of exhaustion, and at the risk of the ridicule of their peers.
We have an opportunity to focus global attention on what should be obvious: every mother, and every child, counts.
As Lehman began to unravel in mid 2008, investors began to focus their attention on the billions of dollars in commercial real estate and private-equity loans on Lehman's books.
This helps the user to focus her attention on one content block at a time which is helpful and convenient.
silders 可以帮助用户一次只关注一个内容块,这很有用并且很方便。
"I tell my patients to start taking steps to focus healthier attention on themselves," says Paula.
Proactive people, on the other hand, tend to focus their attention on things over which they have some degree of influence, such as their job, their diet, and exercise.
These are critical years to focus global attention on what should be obvious — that clean water is indispensable to sustain life.
If that sounds like you, maybe it's time to focus your attention on what's important.
The team of researchers from Norway, Ethiopia and the UK explained why they decided to focus their attention on the species.
The team of researchers from Norway, Ethiopia and the UK explained why they decided to focus their attention on the species.