A node discovers and pairs with another node to form a network link.
Asian nations have agreed to form a network of railroads that aims to connect 28 countries in the region to each other and Europe.
The advocacy and description of "aboriginal environmental rights" is of great importance to form a network of rights in modern society.
As chemical precursors stream onto the surface of a rolling metal or plastic substrate, they react with one another to form a network of nanoparticles.
The rising star will join seven other satellites already in orbit to form a network which will eventually provide navigation and positioning services around the globe.
Processes in CSP form the basic building blocks for complex systems -- one process can be wired up with one or more other processes (all set to execute in parallel) to form a network of processes.
CSP中的进程构成了复杂系统的基本构造块 ——一个进程可以同一个或多个其他进程连接起来(全都设置成并行的),从而构成一个进程网络。
These in-country conservationists will form a global network of ambassadors for coral reef conservation, helping to empower and assist local communities in managing reef resources.
The Form Dependency Graph is a network of all controls on a display and how they relate to each other.
Mobile operators might choose to build their own mobile-TV broadcast networks; or they could form a consortium and build a Shared network; or existing broadcasters could build such networks.
The firm’s plan was to split off TIM, the mobile phone part of the company, making it an attractive target for foreign buyers, while the fixed-line network would form the basis of a new media company.
Dieters could not see the "immeasurably thin" terminal branches of the dendrites and, like many others, inferred from his observations that they must fuse to form a continuous network.
When the documents are connected, they form a network of information that moves your business in the direction you want it to go.
This is not easy, nor do I make any claims to a simple five-step program which might produce a seamless transition from the aggregated institutional form to the social-network model.
By increasing the number of spoofed packets broadcast or the size of the network broadcast to, you can see that this can be a very serious form of attack.
But it is not, and in the next few steps of our trip we have to mold our data and method call into a form that will allow it to be carried over the network and then used on the other side.
To see what difference the form of a social network makes, Centola ran a series of experiments using an Internet-based health community he developed.
For instance, with a social network, a user would fill out a registration form to inform the organization that they would like to join.
Communication takes the form of the client process sending a message over the network to the server process.
Peers form a peer-to-peer network of nodes.
This is probably Snort's most basic function, and everything else it does depends on this ability to detect and observe network traffic in a packet form.
The content hosts are defined to form a load-balanced cluster, and one of the network interfaces of the load Balancer machine is assigned a host name and IP address dedicated to the cluster.
内容主机被定义用来组成负载均衡集群(load -balancedcluster),给负载均衡器机器中的一个网络接口分配主机名称和IP地址,供集群使用。
The simulator has been configured as "on form Submission", which means the form is synchronized to the server when the form is submitted (provided there is a network connection).
模拟器已经配置为“onForm Submission”,这表示在提交表单时,表单将与服务器同步(假设已建立网络连接)。
As with other groups recovering from major illness or disability, groups can form a powerful social support network as well as opportunity to practice skills and share knowledge.
All these ECUs are connected by twisted-pair lines to form a low-speed network.
In order to make the young generation grow up healthily, everyone of us should make contribution to form a healthy network environment.
Its flexible control capabilities and powerful communication, easy to form a harmonious control network, make it simple to design a complex system.
And to develop a series of platform form complete specifications, including PCS, servers, mobile telephone, communication network, software, etc.
The folded and twisted planes projecting from the driveway generate a building form that conveys dynamicity and linkage to the city's transportation network.
The folded and twisted planes projecting from the driveway generate a building form that conveys dynamicity and linkage to the city's transportation network.