If the winter is not cold enough to freeze the ground, you can grow carrots the same way as you do during the summer months.
These might include threats to freeze EU funds for poorer regions and EU mega-projects, and even the suspension of a country's voting rights in EU ministerial councils.
Among other benefits, this allows her to freeze the development of an embryo during times of drought and food shortage until the offspring in the pouch is able to leave.
If the Earth-Sun distance were as little as 1 percent larger, runaway glaciation on Earth about 2 billion years ago would have caused the oceans to freeze and remain frozen to this day.
If the Earth-Sun distance were as little as 1 percent larger, runaway glaciations on Earth about 2 billion years ago would have caused the oceans to freeze and remain frozen to this day.
This allows her to freeze the development of an embryo during times of drought and food shortage until the offspring in the pouch is able to leave.
Now these areas, the new areas the farmers moved to, used to be warm and unlikely to freeze, however, recently the area has become susceptible to freezes.
Hampton pulls her gun and tells Jack to freeze.
Volcanoes won't hesitate to freeze you to death however.
On September 16th the trust proposed to freeze it for the next two years.
The study tested duct tape against cryotherapy, which USES liquid nitrogen to freeze warts.
Any long running operation that operates on the main thread will cause an application to freeze up.
The researchers had no idea how long their frog cells would last and so decided to freeze them at once.
I was told that this process slowly extracts energy from the fat, causing it to freeze, crystalise and die.
我的皮肤逐渐冷却并最终麻木。 我听说这一过程会慢慢吸走脂肪的能量,导致它们冻结、结晶并最终死去。
The court decision to freeze their holdings is just the latest twist in the partners' legal wranglings.
Colder temperatures allow more water to freeze, while an increase in water vapor allows more ice clouds to form.
Motion Picture Patents Company pools patents on motion picture equipment and attempts to freeze out competitors.
If a stratum of air saturated with moisture meets a very cold one, the fog begins to freeze, and becomes specks of snow.
Ford escaped the fate of the other two Detroit carmakers by tapping credit markets just before they began to freeze over.
The crabs are kept at between 32 and 50 degrees Farenheit - not enough to freeze them, but cold enough to make them docile.
Here the relatively solitary bears come together and socialize waiting for the temperatures to drop and the ice to freeze.
No wonder their tolerance went down, if they had simultaneously to freeze their hands and work out how to describe a table.
Many wanted to freeze the EU’s budget, but the more indulgent (and the self-interested) accepted a compromise of a 2.9% rise.
A call for the Israelis to freeze settlements is effective only if it is accompanied by the credible threat of a reduction in aid.
If the winter is not cold enough to freeze the ground, you can grow and harvest carrots the same way as during the summer months.
If the winter is not cold enough to freeze the ground, you can grow and harvest carrots the same way as during the summer months.