She and they managed for the most part to do what they wanted (one of her girlfriends is a racing driver) without making a big fuss about the multiple absurdities.
Why was this old woman making such a fuss about an old copse which was of no use to anybody?
There's always the possibility that younger people tune in to see what the fuss is about, or even make Crystal a kind of mascot, Betty White-style, though that seems unlikely.
Playing with bricks is said to enhance motor skills, creativity and other things that grown-ups fuss about.
The fuss about the fate of England's forests looks like a perfect example of the "Big Society" ethos that David Cameron wants to foster.
THE fuss about the fate of England’s forests looks like a perfect example of the “Big Society” ethos that David Cameron wants to foster.
THE fuss about the fate of England's forests looks like a perfect example of the “Big Society” ethos that David Cameron wants to foster.
A full discussion of MVC is outside the scope of this article, but you are encouraged to research MVC and learn what all the fuss is about (see Resources).
Mr Schultz is about to discover whether they are possible for a company that has made such a fuss about giving power to its customers.
That initial debate has cooled, however, and many in the scientific field now seem to be wondering what all the fuss was about.
The perfunctory report of the Science Appraisal Panel, chaired by Lord Oxburgh, examined only 11 papers produced by the CRU, none of them remotely connected to what the fuss was all about.
Its artistic value failed to move Paddy Clegg. 'I don't know what all the fuss is about. I didn't rate it at all,' he said.
So why all the fuss about one Japanese player Ichiro Suzuki (just plain "Ichiro" to his fans) joining the American League and playing outfield for the Seattle Mariners.
One of the strangest things about dispute over advertising is that the greater the fuss the much of a mystery the industry itself seems to become.
"Japan shouldn't be making such a fuss about this," he said before going off to have his waistline measured.
When the urge to fuss arises, vent on paper. Start with the words "I'm upset about. " Then describe whatever's bothering you.
She does fuss the children about to making sure they're well wrapped up, and worrying about minor illness.
You want to see clear instructions, step-by-step rules so you can spend as little time and fuss messing about with complicated techniques and wasting your time.
Digory made rather a fuss about agreeing to this, but he had to in the end because Polly absolutely refused to do any exploring in new worlds until she had made sure about getting back to the old one.
Someone may say, "Why make such a fuss about small issues, such as eating food offered to idols?"
Or walked around a sculpture renowned as a classic, struggling to see what the fuss is about? 2015.6.
To enhance the competitiveness of weak brands, only from the marketing strategy is not enough to make a fuss about.
"Really," she said, "there's nothing to make such a fuss about." Try taking half as many as nuts and raisins as you have in your hand and you'll find it will come out of the jar quite easily.
"Really," she said, "there's nothing to make such a fuss about." Try taking half as many as nuts and raisins as you have in your hand and you'll find it will come out of the jar quite easily.