China made that promise as part of efforts to gain the upper hand in global climate-change negotiations.
Help Arceus take advantage of the various strengths and weakness among the types to gain the upper hand in battle!
In their effort to gain the upper hand over the world's iron-ore suppliers, China's steel mills are claiming a victory.
Rachel is convinced that Danny likes her and that his apparent apathy toward her is just a ploy to gain the upper hand in their relationship.
Mr Hayden points to cases where the British just held the ring, until independence allowed a local group, usually Hindu, to gain the upper hand.
Yet all this could be at risk, says Louboutin’s lawyer, if Yves Saint Laurent (YSL), another fashion firm, continues to gain the upper hand in a legal dispute between the two companies.
不过Louboutin 的律师表示,如果伊夫圣罗兰时装公司在双方法律纠纷中继续占上风的话,Louboutin的好景可能不长了。
After all, as a venture capitalist it is imperative to understand ways in which a smaller private company can gain the upper hand on a large incumbent.
Were the arrests an attempt to unsettle Rio and gain the upper hand in the negotiations?
Were the arrests an attempt to unsettle Rio and gain the upper hand in the negotiations?