A profit organization exists mainly to generate profit which means to earn more money than those have been invested in.
A good rule of thumb is that a broker must generate sales of ten times his salary if his employer is to make a profit.
WHEN trying to generate new ideas, "you have to make sure people feel OK about saying crazy things," says Nathan Myhrvold. His firm, Intellectual Ventures, seeks to profit from inventions.
It makes products made in Japan more expensive to European consumers while also making it more difficult to generate a profit in the euro-zone.
We just had our first billion quarter, and we continue to generate almost a billion dollars in profit every month.
We just had our first $12 billion quarter, and we continue to generate almost a billion dollars in profit every month.
There's no way Microsoft is going to generate enough revenue and profit from Skype to compensate.
Warning for users of programs and sites to generate fictitious visits by Proxy "Proxy list software" and others to generate a profit.
Meanwhile, Apple continues to generate billions of dollars in profit each quarter and stockpile its cash.
Since Toyota is also viewed within the auto industry as a model of efficiency, its inability to generate substantial profit from making cars this fiscal year may send a chill through the whole sector.
We expect that by the second quarter 2011, steel prices will peak at a level that will allow steel mills in 2011 to only generate a 'fair' profit margin.
Works with the General Manager to coordinate functions that generate business with maximum profit potential.
Therefore, profit organizations usually come out with products or services that are offered at certain price level in the market to generate income.
Private foundations that are LLCs can generate tax savings for their owners, but only for funds that are given by the foundation to registered 501 (c) non-profit entities.
以有限责任公司形式组建的私人基金会可能让所有者享受税收减免优惠,但仅限于向依据美国税法第501 (c)条注册的非营利性组织捐赠的资金。
We encourage our members to generate traffic form English website, because most of the traffic of English website is from hi-profit countries.
Most companies know how they generate profit. The best ones use a profit map to systematically manage profits on a day-to-day basis.
有效的信用管理可以使销售资金的使用更符合公司的整体利益,求得“最低赊销 成本”和“最大销售成长”之间的平衡。
Most companies know how they generate profit. The best ones use a profit map to systematically manage profits on a day-to-day basis.
有效的信用管理可以使销售资金的使用更符合公司的整体利益,求得“最低赊销 成本”和“最大销售成长”之间的平衡。