At these online branches, customers will be able to view all their accounts, move money between their accounts, apply for a loan and get current information on product such as credit cards.
Jack is going to summarize his proposal for the move to Costa Rica and hopes to get a final recommendation on the outsourcing project to present to the Board.
When users are filling in a form, they often want to focus on the task, get it done quickly and move on to their primary task - making a purchase or registering for a service.
Skip the tinsel, or move it to a high spot on your tree where your cats and dogs can't get them, warns. Put fragile ornaments at the tip-top of your tree, too, in case jumpy pets try to get to them.
We work on a very small increment, get it right, and then move on to the next increment.
These are not names that Plato gives, but it will make it easy for us to get a fix, roughly, on the different arguments as we move from one to the next.
Once you click on "get the item" though, you are give the opportunity to move from playing a realistic or educational game to actually buying an item and supporting the village in real life.
But if Americans don't want to be stuck in their cars, they had better get a move on.
The key is to get to your smaller goals and move on from each one, like a connect-the-dots game of life.
That doesn't get us anywhere; part of the point of an argument is to move us on from where we are to somewhere a bit further.
The point of all this work is to make it so difficult to get at sensitive data that hackers don't even try, or they move on after a few failed attempts.
Before you can move around and select anything, you need to get a grasp on your context.
The consolation is they're killing people at the top too so they're going to so when you do get a job in a financial institution there will be more Spaces above you on the ladder to move up.
You”l be on the ball more often, be able to move fludily from task to task and not get lost nearly as much with a trusted system at your side.
It's easier than ever to get things done on the move without lugging a laptop around.
Let's quickly run over what was required to get your VXML to work on a servlet, and then move from there to JSP pages.
Because their love is eternal; they will always found a way to get back to each other - Stefan will move on, but Damon never would; Katherine loved Stefan more, it's Damon's turn for love.
因为他们的爱是永恒的;他们会永远找到办法让彼此都能回来——S会继续前进,但D不会(意思是说无论怎样D都不会放弃E);K更爱S ,这次是D的爱情了。
She described Zimbabwe as "a country that really needs to move on, and get on with its future."
We've DRY 'ed the communication parts of the Scitter code so let's move on to the next thing on the list: let's get a list of my friends' tweets.
The end of April was a superb time to open talks on an important new position, and as you move into May, you may find that you are making strides. Good positions take weeks to get, but keep talking.
So it might appear that proactivity is a good move if you want to get bystanders on-side and willing to help you out.
General moving company workers are more professional, for how to pack, how to get on the car are a few, so we are in the process of finishing, and finally move the company to discuss.
Don't get stuck on one question. As soon as you realise that you are having difficulties with a question, leave it and move to the next one. Return to difficult questions later if you have time.
If you want to arrive in time for lunch, you'd better get a move on.
Okay, but get a move on, you don't want to get left out in the cold.
Okay, but get a move on, you don't want to get left out in the cold.