It seems that flying cars will face more than a few problems if they are to get off the ground!
It's a concept that's been around for decades but never really seems to get off the ground.
While renewables were struggling to get off the ground, the world’s demand for energy would grow quickly.
After all, other entrepreneurs who chased the idea for about 50 years were unable to get off the ground.
Thanks to the constantly falling cost of computing power, a start-up needs less money to get off the ground.
If you have a smaller rocket engine and a lot of fuel, your rocket's probably not going to get off the ground.
And there's so much to learn, even just to get off the ground and be convincing when you say the words, " he said."
Mr Zhou's plan could win support from other emerging economies with large reserves. However, it is unlikely to get off the ground in the near future.
But this scheme has been slow to get off the ground: agricultural production actually fell by 7.3% in the first quarter, and meat production fell by 14.7%.
Ares I-X has a four-hour launch window on Tuesday - from 8 a.m. to noon EDT (1200 to 1600 GMT) - during which the rocket needs only about 10 minutes of clear skies to get off the ground.
战神1号- X在周二的发射窗口大概为4个小时——东部标准时间早8点至中午12点。在这段时间里,只要有连续10分钟的晴好天气,火箭就可以发射升空。
Meanwhile, back in Everett, Marc Fulmer is busy raising money to help get the project off the ground.
An aeroplane has to reach a certain speed before there is enough lift to get it off the ground.
It's easy to grumble when this happens and it can be frustrating if you have ideas for improvements but are not sure how to get them off the ground.
All across America, there are innovators and entrepreneurs who are trying to start the next Intel, or just get a small business of their own off the ground.
How do birds and bats and other flying beasties manage to get off and stay off the ground?
Figure 2 highlights the new and dramatic, high-risk efforts to get to smart grid and smart meter efforts off the ground and provide new levels of control and predictability.
The manufacturing methods Shi used to get the company off the ground can still be seen in the factory, which is accessible through doors at the back of the headquarters building.
The second one is about creating critical mass to get your SOA off the ground and operational across the enterprise.
It's dangerous to want to get away from earth awhile, to get your feet entirely off the ground.
It was initially met with jeers and snickering when first proposed in 2005, but Jones persevered to get funding, and was finally able to get it off the ground a year later.
Not only must entrepreneurs find the money to get a business off the ground, but they will also need further finance if it is to flourish.
Better trying to get something-anything-off the ground, he says. "Maybe in 15 or 20 years something might come of it."
While using LLVM helped us get off the ground very, very quickly, it quickly became a liability, and we ended up having to fix lots of bugs in the JIT support.
Stefan Beck, professor of medical genomics at University College London, said: "We've been working for years to get the epigenome project off the ground and finally it's happening."
伦敦大学学院医学基因组学教授斯特凡·贝克(Stefan Beck)说:“多年来我们一直努力完成这个表观基因组的研究项目,现在它终于圆满完成了。”
Drawing on their personal savings, they built working prototypes and hired a VP of marketing, Ethan Thorman, to help get them off the ground.
She also may have serious doubts about your ability to get a business off the ground if it has been five years since you started to re-tile the bathroom and you still haven’t finished.
Would they consider a similar partnership to help get Chrome OS - the cutdown operating system designed for lightweight computing - off the ground?Schmidt says: "We've talked about it.
Would they consider a similar partnership to help get Chrome OS - the cutdown operating system designed for lightweight computing - off the ground?Schmidt says: "We've talked about it.