Lately James looks nervous. I think he's scared that he's going to get the boot.
And last week chairman James d. Robinson iii was revealed as the latest corporate honcho to get the boot-although this time the board of directors did more of a soft-shoe routine.
In this article, Laurence Bonney discusses the pros and cons of two of the more popular boot loaders — LILO and GRUB — and suggests a number of configurations to get the most from your machine.
Ronnie had used his pocketknife to cut himself free from the driver 's-side seat belt only to get his boot ensnared in another one.
This low-level area of the hardware allows you to reset a hung system, boot from a specific device (like a CD or a network boot), or get into single-user mode.
Step Six: When you're safely through customs, get that random key back from your confidant, boot your computer and re-add the key you normally use to access your hard drive.
Ronnie had used his pocketknife to cut himself free from the driver’s-side seat belt only to get his boot ensnared in another one.
Initial setup: We get the embedded system to boot and to offer a console login prompt.
To get a quick view of the boot log for the last system boot, use the command dmesg.
As we move forward and more tasks get performed in the browser, it will become less necessary to boot into Windows.
The kernel then mounts this initrd as part of the two-stage boot process to load the modules to make the real file systems available and get at the real root file system.
To get back to the pre-upgrade, simply change the bootlist to boot off the (altinst_rootvg) hdisk1, then reboot. It's that simple
要想返回到升级前的状态,只需把引导列表改为从 hdisk1 (altinst_rootvg) 引导,然后重新引导。
And you get an error I9990301 disk failure or disk reset failed then you have to switch boot sequence and make hd1 the first boot device.
可能会产生一个错误I9990301diskfailureordiskresetfailed,这时必须切换引导次序,让hd 1成为第一个引导设备。
Boot into gingerbread, but wait until you get the data (or wifi) icon before trying to register your Google account.
Unable to get the disk signature andor partition size for the boot and system disk(s)volume(s).
My boss seems to be down on me. I'm afraid I'll get the boot.
Press INSERT as quickly as possible on startup, and you can get a chance to single-step the boot process and see how far it can go, and then report bugs.
Vermin Supreme, who campaigns with a boot on his head and a chicken necklace (it is not hard to get on the ballot in New Hampshire), is trying to make a satirical point.
IMPORTANT: Make sure you configure your router to forward port 9 to the computer that you want to boot up otherwise it will not work because the Magic Packet can't get in your network.
Some of you are trying to get a new marriage, and you can't handle the boot camp you're in right now: Your spouse has just "two" issues they need to resolve.
Some of you are trying to get a new marriage, and you can't handle the boot camp you're in right now: Your spouse has just "two" issues they need to resolve.