He convinced the girls to go public.
Wall Streeters have dissolved their cosy partnerships to go public.
So she wanted to go public with the affair, and Lawson had her killed for it.
Let me first say that Groupon filing to go public is not proof of a tech bubble.
This rule was one of the reasons that Google ultimately decided to go public in 2004.
Mr Zegna says the firm has enough money to expand, so there is no reason to go public.
On March 17th Korea Life became the first of the country’s big life insurers to go public.
大韩生命保险在今年3月17号成为韩国第一个上市的大型人寿保险公司.其他公司紧跟其后.在日本家喻户晓的第一生命保险,本周首次公开募股, 总市值达112亿美元。
Youku’s biggest rival, Tudou, filed plans last month to go public in the United States.
There is also evidence that only big companies like Google can afford to go public anymore.
On March 17th Korea life became the first of the country's big life in surers to go public.
The company is owned by some of Silicon Valley's best-known investors, and has just filed to go public.
The findings generally align with the data Groupon released earlier this month when it filed to go public.
Other firms such as Groupon, which provides online coupons to its subscribers, are likely to go public soon.
If Glencore does choose to go public, it will be subject to much more onerous reporting and disclosure rules.
Groupon has stumbled since filing to go public this past June, using accounting methods some found overambitious.
Investment dropped most for older startups that are close to being ready to go public or be sold to larger companies.
And yet, given all this, it's LinkedIn that is the first social network to go public, the first multi-billion Web 2.0 IPO.
但LinkedIn却抢先于Facebook成为第一个上市的社交网络公司,而且是Web 2.0时代第一个估值数十亿的IPO。
KKR first tried to go public in 2007, shortly after Blackstone listed. A deteriorating economy put the kibosh on those plans.
This would force Facebook to begin publicly disclosing financial data, an event that could also trigger the company to go public.
It is possible that the messages you get are personal and for your own advancement, as not everyone will be expected to go public.
The dotcom, ironically called Snowball, was the very last consumer web company to go public, the next month, before NASDAQ exploded.
我们新上市的企业名字是“雪球”——那是最后一家走向上市道路的民用网络公司——上市仅仅一个月后,纳斯达克出现 了崩盘。
If you don't seem like you have the potential to go public, you won't be able to use VCs to drive up the valuation of an angel round.
So I've routinely ignored such rumors, particularly since Facebook doesn't face any regulatory incentive to go public until next May.
If it was found wanting, either Goldman (as underwriter) would have had to buy the stock back at par, or Facebook would have had to go public.
If it was found wanting, either Goldman (as underwriter) would have had to buy the stock back at par, or Facebook would have had to go public.