Would follow a chronic fatigue and nervous exhaustion which ultimately encourage to go see a doctor.
At that time when friends saw me, not knowing I was fasting, they even advised me to go see a doctor for fear that I might have some illness!
Develop good habits are stored health, bad habits is overdrawn life indulgence, excuse can not find time to go to fitness, sooner or later will make time to go see a doctor!
We usually go to see a doctor when we are ill.
I think you should go to see a doctor at once.
Every time I go to see a doctor and see a smile on the doctor's face, I feel really warm.
It could be that patients with anxiety are more likely to go and see their doctor when they have symptoms and therefore are more likely to receive a diagnosis of stroke or heart attack.
Usually, it is only when their knees become painful that people go to see a doctor and osteoarthritis is diagnosed.
Instead of letting patients go straight to a specialist, managed-care firms like Kaiser Permanente make them see a primary-care doctor first, who will figure out whether the problem is serious.
If you suspect you have a sleep disorder, talk to your doctor and go see a sleep specialist. Photo by YelloShine.
If you don't want to see a doctor, at least you could go home and have a good rest.
If you are worried about someone's health, you can make suggestion, for example about seeing a doctor or resting: If you don't get better, you should go to see a doctor.
如果你对某人的健康表示担心,你可以提出建议,例如去看医生或者休息一下:Ifyoudon'tgetbetter, youshould go to a doctor. /如果你不好转的话,应该去看医生。
If you have any of the following symptoms evaluate those symptoms first then go to see a doctor immediately.
I insisted he go to see a doctor, but he insisted nothing was wrong with him.
If you have a bad stomachache, don't eat anything. Don't take any medicine before you go to see the doctor.
The first thing you need to do, if you have discovered that you fall into the 'apple' shaped body category or have a high BMI is to go and see your doctor for a full medical examination.
In some malls, people can see a doctor or a dentist and even go to church. In other words, people can do just about everything in malls.
The health care stations in local communities make it convenient for the residents to go to see a doctor.
So many of the players decided to go for it before that Argentina match that there was a queue to see the doctor.
You should go see a doctor; it seems like office workers are prone to suffer from bad health these days.
If you go to see a doctor in a pubilc hospital, you must wake up so early for line up.
Don't worry about the meeting. You'd better go to see a doctor. I hope you will be better soon.
If you don't want to see a doctor, at least you can go home and have a good rest.
If you don't want to see a doctor, at least you can go home and have a goodrest.
If you don't want to see a doctor, at least you can go home and have a goodrest.