If you want to go to class at 1:00, you're welcome to do so, but please arrange it with my assistants.
Chemistry is so boring. It's hard to go to class when I have no incentive.
Tell your friend that you are concerned about him but you have to go to class.
Also a fact: class day is a terrible name for a day when you don't have to go to class... like ever again.
Rainy days, I am lazy, even the whole person, and do not want to go out, and even do not want to go to class.
Today, a news that a female cleaner carried college students to go to class causes concern and hot discussions on the Internet.
Stress may be a relatively "decent" reason to hire someone for "help", but some students hire doubles simply because they don't want to go to class.
My dancing night tonight, as usual, it took a lot strength to decide whether to go to class or stay at home and be lazy... but again, once I was there I had lots of fun.
I go over to Johnson Elementary School, you know, to watch Mr. Grable teach the children in class.
Later in the third class, Mr. Du came in and asked me to go to the front.
The students in Miss Wang's class are all trying their best to study hard to go to the university.
Not knowing where to go in life, he decided to take a class in calligraphy.
To ease your worried mind, show up to yoga class, do your best, and let go ofthe consequences.
所以要改善焦虑到瑜伽课堂上去吧努力做体式 别在意结果.
Getting started one on one with a skilled instructor will give you the confidence you need to then go to a public class.
They were married in 1933, but Dagwood's parents disapproved of Blondie and disinherited him, forcing him to go to work and live a middle class life.
I was the one who was supposed to learn a language; I was to go to Italian class three hours a day for the next month.
To begin, go to the list of variables in the xforms_lib.php class file, and add two more variables, as shown in Listing 1.
首先,转到xforms_lib . php类文件中的变量列表,添加另外两个变量,如清单1所示。
So we all gave him the horse laugh when he asked the new girl in class to go to a movie and she told him to get lost.
When I try and evaluate that expression of greater than, is going to go into the class to say greater than is a comp method.
Having failed to pay their child support, they were given the choice by a judge to go to jail or attend a weekly class on fathering, which to them seemed the better deal.
Harry thinks he's God's gift to women: that none of them can resist his charm. So we all gave him the horse laugh when he asked the new girl in class to go to a movie and she told him to get lost.
You should send him to class every morning and after the class begins, you can go to work.
I have had the time to learn Italian, take surfing lessons, run a half-marathon, and go to ballet class. I'd also like to take up sewing and cooking for real - cooking.
I have had the time to learn Italian, take surfing lessons, run a half-marathon, and go to ballet class. I'd also like to take up sewing and cooking for real - cooking.