I hold it to be the inalienable right of anybody to go to hell in his own way.
I made a mistake. I told the referee to go to Hell and I shouldn't have done that.
I have searched my mind in vain for a polite way to tell that reader to go to hell.
Ernesto Guevara DE la Serna: You gotta fight for every breath and tell death to go to hell.
I had better kill him when he is angry or doing something bad. Then he is sure to go to hell.
Another says: "I would tell you to go to Hell but I work there and I don't want to see you every day."
God in his infinite compassion does not want you to go to Hell, which He in his infinite mercy created!
Get the hell out of foreign entanglements, bring the troops home, tell Israel and the neo-con press to go to hell, and think of what the country can do for its own people for a change.
Peter can go to hell. It's my money and I'll leave it to who I want.
"It's really a hell of a thing to go to work in a place where everybody gives a damn. That's really the case with Dexter, " Hall said.
Our only salvation lies in repentance, but this does not guarantee that we will be chosen to go to heaven and not to hell.
Our home life has also changed - all decisions need to go her way or there is hell to pay.
You can't let so many of us go to hell without trying in earnest to save us, can you?
I recall becoming so aware of my sin that I would lay in bed and shudder—afraid to go to sleep at night for fear that I'd die and spend eternity in hell.
Still, whether you're looking to hire one or join one, take a good look at the team, for anyone will tell you: you can go to hell and back with a good team with you in the trenches.
However, I simply cannot imagine that many people are happy to talk about it and I certainly wouldn't put my family through hell by being the first to go public.
That's a very close family — whatever happens to one of them, sickness, money trouble, anything, the rest of them come to help. They'd go through hell and high water for each other.
Only the police are strong enough to withstand the news, and they immediately shout in unison: "Go to hell, Rogge!"
A couple driving toward the exit had to swerve out of his way and they honked at him. He slammed his fist against their hood, Shouting, "Go to hell!"
44it is better for you to enter life maimed than with two hands to go into hell, where the fire never goes out.
If someone needs go to hell to be a devil filled with poison, then let me do it myself, and you must keep the pure heart of Jing Yan.
If someone needs go to hell to be a devil filled with poison, then let me do it myself, and you must keep the pure heart of Jing Yan.