Do you know someone who either needs or deserves to hit the jackpot today?
ON LUCK: "I just happened to hit the jackpot by choosing to work for the right company at the right time."
I was lucky to be working in theoretical physics one of the few areas in which disability was not a serious handicap and to hit the jackpot with my popular books.
Essentially you aim for the jackpot, and if you don't hit that, it's not going to make you a living.
Seemingly at random, a few have hit the jackpot by getting “below the poverty line”, or BPL, cards, which entitle them to a basket of subsidised food and fuel.
An even better way of reducing risk is to bet on ACTS and albums that have already hit the jackpot.
It makes the wealthy very wealthy: in a global market, you will hit a bigger jackpot than in a local one. And capitalism has always been prone to spectacular booms and busts.
Give it to your partner with a little note attached: "I hit the jackpot when I married you!"
Meanwhile, Fermilab's Tevatron in Batavia, Illinois, is pushing for an extension beyond its September 2011 shutdown, and still hopes to hit the Higgs jackpot.
Once you hit the progressive jackpot, your name will be in lights for the world to see.
Once you hit the progressive jackpot, your name will be in lights for the world to see.