Remember not to push it - better to hold a position at the point it can go without inappropriate muscles jumping in to help than to try too hard to do things your face isn't ready for.
Yes, it might be easier for him to hold his balance for awhile in a static position, but sooner or later he will still fall.
Sitting requires the muscles to hold the trunk, neck and shoulders in a fixed position.
In order for this deal to hold he must be in a position to offer the Palestinian people something concrete.
History shows that when China gets into a leadership position in manufacturing an electric device, it tends to hold on to it.
Don't hold this position for long, because with the body drawn into a compact shape you will tend to collapse in your neck, shoulders, and midback.
It was one thing to try to hold the euro together from a position of relative strength in the core.
The disc and associated moving parts may be in a constant state of movement if the velocity pressure is not sufficient to hold the valve in a wide open and stable position.
An orthopedic appliance used to support, align, or hold a bodily part in the correct position.
GetNextChar USES a buffer to hold one line of input. Two variables store the current line number and the next position in the line.
A country that cannot hold itself together is scarcely in a position to lecture others on how to manage their affairs.
They have an idea that they need forces that can hold a position, whether it's an airport or a seaport allowing Japanese self-defense forces to extract Japanese civilians from danger zones.
From digital TV overall, machine carries a box on the head, to foremost edge hold digital telecast system, LG ranks lead position of the whole world.
Basically it consists of a clamping device to hold the part in position under hardened-steel bushings through which the drill passes during the drilling operation. The drill is guided by the bushings.
The comfort that may come from securing a mega-merger to retain a company's position in the industry could hold some attraction.
Where an undertaking that is considered to hold a dominant market position has evidence to the contrary, he shall not be considered to hold a dominant market position.
So if you reach for your toes and hold that position, tautening your hamstrings, you might not then be able to leap as high or start a sprint as forcefully as if you hadn't stretched.
We hold a consistent and clear position concerning this, advocating and committing ourselves to properly resolving relevant issues with countries concerned through dialogue and consultation.
对中方来说,我们的立场是一贯的。 我们一向主张并致力于同有关当事方通过对话和磋商妥善解决有关问题。
Its sole purpose is to hold information about the current position, velocity and state of a ball.
We will hold fast to this position and take part in relevant Security Council discussions in a responsible and constructive manner.
Long hedge: if a company plans to buy assets at some time in the future, it can hold a long position in the futures contract of the assets to offset the risk.
Individualized management should be overall planning and long-term persisting to make hotels benefit for a long time and hold on a dominant position in competition.
Once you get milk to flow, and you are comfortable with the suction, make a few quick full squeezes to increase suction a bit, and then hold the handle firmly in the fully squeezed position.
Once you get milk to flow, and you are comfortable with the suction, make a few quick full squeezes to increase suction a bit, and then hold the handle firmly in the fully squeezed position.