Human trafficking tends to get ignored because it is an indelicate, sordid topic, with troubled victims who don't make great poster children for family values.
Despite the struggle to control it, human trafficking is often described as the fastest-growing criminal enterprise in the world, and as second only to drug trafficking in its profitability.
人口 贩 卖被称形容为世界上增长速度最快的犯罪企业,其盈利能力仅次于贩毒。
A new human trafficking act in Scotland; and greater efforts to tackle trafficking within the business community and Labour markets.
Only 24 of 86 countries that responded to a questionnaire she sent out in 2008 indicated that those issues were a priority in the fight against human trafficking.
Some experts, however, caution that there's no evidence these marriages are any more prone to abuse than regular marriages or that human trafficking through fake marriages is widespread.
This has left human trafficking legislation in Scotland and the UK inconsistent, both internally and in comparison with international law, and has served to limit its scope and impact.
To combat human trafficking, China and the U.S. can cooperate at the regional and sub-regional levels and continue exploring the specific model of strengthening law enforcement.
In Ohio a human trafficking commission has just been set up to study the problem, while in the northern Ohio city of Toledo a special FBI task force is tackling the issue.
In the years to come, ASEAN will make further progress on unified responses to climate change, human trafficking, and food and energy security.
The United States has promised not to give up its fight against human trafficking.
Finally the conclusion can help us to briefly understand some facts about human trafficking and why I think it is an unethical business practice.
Most of the traditional methods of collecting data cannot be applied to new forms of crime such as trafficking in human beings.
In addition, participation in the program forbids slavery, human trafficking, child labor according to ILO conventions, deforestation of primary forests, or the use of genetically modified cotton.
"Often the victims of human trafficking are not aware when they cross our borders that they are about to be enslaved," noted Bershin.
Most of human trafficking actions follow the certain path, for instance most of south Asians go to Australia, I will discuss this as well as other countries.
Therefore I am going to describe and analyse this fact in order to have a better understanding of human trafficking and to prove that this is considered as an unethical business practice as well.
First I will explain the term and brief history of human trafficking to have a better insight about this issue and to clarify the issue properly.
Seller also agrees to comply with all applicable environmental, health and safety laws, and laws against slavery, human trafficking and child labor.
The American government has for the past eight years been mandated by law to wage a many-fronted struggle against human trafficking, at home and around the world.
The American government has for the past eight years been mandated by law to wage a many-fronted struggle against human trafficking, at home and around the world.