Luckily, Zhang had just learned how to escape from an attacker, a person who plans to hurt someone.
To hurt someone. Often we just don't like someone, and want to get at them, attack them.
In fact, meekness manifests itself most when you have the power to hurt someone, but you don't.
It's very easy to hurt someone and then say "sorry", but it's really very difficult to get hurt ans say "I'm fine".
In the real world, however, hurtling bigger and bigger pieces of metal at high velocity remains the best way to hurt someone.
Bad things are always going to happen in life. People will hurt you. But you can't use that as an excuse to hurt someone back.
And since we're talking about trillions in red ink as far as the eye can see, that means these cuts will almost certainly have to hurt someone.
My temper sometimes very calm, so it's easy to hurt someone, which is a friend, and friends angry at that time still feel wronged, but now I regret all come not nasty.
Maybe you try to help someone in danger, but you accidentally hurt the person.
Laughing at someone else may hurt their feelings even if you don't mean to, while laughing at yourself does not.
This can lead to your hurting someone, or hurting yourself if the other person isn't around to hurt!
My hope is that you'll take time to reflect on whether you could be healthier by forgiving someone who has hurt you or by receiving the forgiveness that God has for you.
I have prayed to God for help in being straightforward with people, and not say anything that might get back to someone who could be hurt by my words.
It takes courage and love to tell someone they have hurt you and then forgive them at the same time.
In some situations the truth is of no benefit to someone and will only hurt him.
If you need to tell your parents you're pregnant but think they might react in a way that could hurt you, have someone else with you when you tell them.
British researchers used brain-imaging technology to show that people who say they feel the pain of others have heightened activity in pain-sensing brain regions when they see someone else being hurt.
You feel anger that lasts for days or makes you want to hurt yourself or someone else.
He was hurt, genuinely pained to be dismissed in such an offhand way by someone he respected as a competitor.
When someone is crying, or hurt, the most compassionate response might be to sit down and listen to them, comfort them, tell them everything will be okay.
The negative might occur when I’ve been hurt or someone close to me gets hurt.
The negative might occur when I've been hurt or someone close to me gets hurt.
If someone hurts you repeatedly, you are commanded by God to forgive them instantly, but you are not expected to trust them immediately, and you are not expected to continue allowing them to hurt you.
She doesn’t allow me to go anywhere alone because she is afraid that someone will hurt or offend me.
It is easy to understand why someone who doesn't love another person might break the heart of this person-when we do not love those who love us, we are likely to hurt them.
She couldn't understand why someone would want to hurt people who were old and poor.
It's uncomfortable to face a fear. It's uncomfortable to go somewhere you've never been before or forgive someone who has hurt you.
Scientists believe that dogs can sense disease in others because of their evolutionary origin as wolves, who needed to be able to detect when someone in the pack was hurt or sick.
I began to understand that much of her anger and frustration with me over the years was because she was scared for me - scared I would be hurt by someone (which I was).
I began to understand that much of her anger and frustration with me over the years was because she was scared for me - scared I would be hurt by someone (which I was).