For the first half month, he sold his goods at a loss to increase sales and credit.
They would likely deem the subsidy to be a spending increase and the credit to be a tax cut.
Third, he proposes a new, refundable tax credit that will increase health-care coverage, reduce the cost of health care, and provide more funds for families and individuals to purchase health care.
For a small size of goods on advertised promotion, we feel it unnecessary to have a letter of credit opened since the charges resulting there from would increase our cost account.
But ms Rousseff must move quickly to tackle the problems of growth like high and rising inflation, an overvalued currency and a big increase in consumer credit.
Brown wants to win agreement at next week's summit for a new $100bn global fund to increase credit flows.
Much of the increase was caused by homebuyers rushing to take advantage of a tax credit that was due to expire by November 30th, but which Congress has extended to April.
A bloc of 16 (soon to be 17) countries is moving to increase access to credit and reduce hurdles to business startup in an effort to improve the overall business climate.
To tell you the truth, a letter of credit would increase the cost of my import.
While it is true that nearly everyone has a bank account, credit card and insurance, to increase effectiveness, offers need to be tailored and relevant to the right audience.
To tell you the truth, a letter of credit would increase the cost of my import.
If you wish to increase your credit limit you may apply for a review after 6 months.
If the offer of account receivables has a good prospect, company should relax credit conditions to increase credit sales.
Most expressed anger toward credit-card companies, but at the same time, there was a strong sense that the recent increase in access to credit CARDS was a step forward.
How strengthens the selling on credit management, reduces the credit with the increase of enterprises' sells on credit, the sell risk has become a very serious problem to firm management.
When we open a letter of credit with a bank, I'll have to pay a margin. That'll not only tie up our money but also increase our cost.
As a result, they stopped lending to each other and to other businesses, which led to an instant credit freeze and a dangerous increase in borrowing rates.
Therefore, this paper provides a practical means for firms to escape from the trap of price war and substitute brand war for price war through brand construction to increase brand credit degree.
Buying on credit is increasingly adopted by companies as a promotional method to increase sales volumes.
The Agriculture Department wanted to cut back on French fries, reduce sodium, increase fruits and vegetables and require a half cup of tomato paste for a pizza slice to get a vegetable credit.
In the meantime, in order to resolve the problem of individuality in teaching, increase efficiency and decrease teaching cost, the article puts forward a leaching pattern of module credit system.
In addition to the revolving line of credit, the cardholder may also, if necessary, apply for a temporary increase in the line of credit.
A rate increase would boost demand for the CAD and the BOC policy move may become a tool to gauge the strength of central Banks' concerns over Europe's credit crisis.
A rate increase would boost demand for the CAD and the BOC policy move may become a tool to gauge the strength of central Banks' concerns over Europe's credit crisis.