I guess with fewer places to inhabit, they concentrate in great numbers in few areas, which surely makes them easier targets for the hunters.
A similar strategy—accelerated development combined with a resting stage—has also allowed amphibians to inhabit deserts.
Otherfield management measures did not show significant effect to inhabit A.
It shows that environments not remotely natural in their origins can become lovely to inhabit.
She is spinning faster and faster into the new dimensional reality that she wishes to inhabit.
It introduces us to the tragic history of the town and the people who have come to inhabit it.
And why they pretty much run any corner of the ocean they choose to inhabit, come to think of it.
These spearheads are the firmest evidence yet found for the first human beings to inhabit America.
Orca whales are known to inhabit the areas where the submarines were picking up the bizarre noises.
The bold Modernist architecture was too avantgarde, and many workers refused to inhabit the apartments.
Maasai goddess Eng 'al, who signals her wrath with eruptions and drought, is said to inhabit the summit.
Microbes are finely tuned to inhabit specific chemical or physical niches where they've got an advantage.
Concept illustrator Ralph McQuarrie first drew flying whale-like creatures to inhabit the clouds of Bespin.
What you are doing is you are shifting the reality that you choose to inhabit, that is available and open to you.
Under favourable conditions, a city with a billion inhabitants could be a very attractive and exciting place to inhabit.
So also does the designer, but the designer's worlds must be possible for others to inhabit and, therefore, to construct.
As long as human beings continue to inhabit the planet, there are many worthwhile and fulfilling jobs that will never go away.
They also found a fourth possible new species and other corals that were thought not to inhabit the waters around the Galapagos.
As Wired contributing editor Steven Johnson writes, it "made the screen feel like a space you wanted to inhabit, to make your own."
就像Wired Contributing的编辑史蒂芬·约翰逊写的,它的画面使你感觉就像你居住在一个自己想要居住的空间,使你拥有。
Since he had been alone, he had placed his bed in the antechamber, in order to inhabit that deserted apartment as little as possible.
A mystery female known as X Woman may add a new chapter to the story of human ancestors leaving Africa to inhabit much of the planet.
The name "Konohana" comes from the goddess of the mountain, "Konohana Sakuyahime no Mikoto" who was once believed to inhabit Mt. Fiji.
In the past, when population grew, there was unexplored territory to inhabit. But now, almost all the habitable land has been explored.
Viewing himself as an outsider, she speculated, “may allow him to inhabit characters who are struggling to understand where they fit in.”
So, in a way, by longing to be where they were when they were children, by longing to inhabit that time, as well, he wants to become them.
But as they drew towards the end of it, their interest in the appearance of a country which they were to inhabit overcame their dejection.
What Mitchell has in common with Foulds is his ability to inhabit-to inspirit, to use an old verb-an entire culture, with consummate skill.
What Mitchell has in common with Foulds is his ability to inhabit-to inspirit, to use an old verb-an entire culture, with consummate skill.