Not all the content will be directly relevant to your tastes and in fact some of it will be completely irrelevant to you.
If data attached to the flow is irrelevant, we use blue arrows to just denote the flow direction.
It reduces subtle ideas to bullet points, while it encourages you to pad out a presentation with irrelevant data because cutting and pasting is far too easy.
I stare at it, completely puzzled as to how the note is applicable to anything significant. It seems irrelevant to my life.
She understood what a map meant but, when it came to applying it to where they weregoing, it seemed strangely irrelevant.
We are against any intervention in the disputes by countries irrelevant to the issue or bringing this issue to international and multilateral arena.
More specifically, they have the unique ability to "hyper-bind" the irrelevant information, essentially tying it to other information that is appearing at the same time.
If they are too specific, they may influence the way the data warehouse is designed, to the point of excluding factors that seem irrelevant but may be key to the analysis being conducted.
How long it takes you to figure it out is irrelevant because the time is going to pass anyway.
He has used the final three months of the outgoing assembly, in which he has an overwhelming majority, to render irrelevant the incoming legislature, due to be sworn in on January 5th.
After graduating from the climbing walls of his late teens in California to the nomadic lifestyle of an international climber, Mr Honnold claims fear has become irrelevant to him.
And as authorities, the outbound links they choose to make carry that much more value (you don't get to be an authority in your field by randomly linking out to irrelevant, junk sites).
In the WPT recording, we set the number of threads per client to 1 (one), but because there is only one page to visit, this number is irrelevant.
Of course we try to do that (sometimes), but we would do better to acknowledge the effect that strictly irrelevant thoughts and emotions can have on us.
It's hard to be thrilled with your job if the company you work for is struggling to succeed, or feels stuck and irrelevant. I'm not talking about obvious problems — red ink and layoffs.
To reduce management overhead, we need to delete unused and irrelevant files from time to time.
Let's once again do some mind traveling and see if we can get close enough to this question to either discard it as irrelevant, or to know it personally in a way that may illuminate the issue.
This optimum state is not only elusive, it is also hyper-fragile to small changes in the environment, and therefore often irrelevant to understanding what is going on.
'I don't want to end up with a job that is totally irrelevant to what I have been studying so hard over the past four years in college,' said Liu, who still hopes to find a job related to his major.
"But people started to understand the core values, the true concepts, and started to find that those values are not completely irrelevant to their lives," he said.
But she warned that this one-size-fits-all approach creates a din of irrelevant messaging to the customer which they will eventually start to ignore.
Ambition by itself is almost irrelevant; a capacity for hard work, the courage to execute and the willingness to persevere are far more important.
Indeed, I'm gratified and surprised that so many people are interested in dinosaurs, the Large Hadron Collider or alien life – all blazingly irrelevant to our day-to-day lives.
He had to present the team's plan to the Postal Corporation's national board to persuade them, he says, "that if you don't change the [company] mindset, it will become irrelevant."
Her second album, "Back to Black" was peaking in America, though to the headliner, this seemed irrelevant.
Visibility: a crane, ship, or lorry built to accept a container doesn't care what is inside each one, and the contents of each container is irrelevant to all the others.
I had a written copy with me and I knew what I wanted to say anyway, so I wasn't too worried, though it was a bit distracting to see all those irrelevant words scrolling by on the TelePrompTer.
Her mother gave irrelevant information by way of answer: 'he called to see the doctor to-day in Shaston.
Her mother gave irrelevant information by way of answer: 'he called to see the doctor to-day in Shaston.