They see these early hours as their chance to lay claim to their share of the day.
So it would be important to the people writing this story to lay claim to all of this territory.
Certainly Turkey's influence in its region allows it to lay claim to being an interesting and potentially useful partner.
Demark says it's planning to lay claim to a large area of the Arctic seabed including the North Pole, a region thought to be rich in oil and gas.
Denmark says it's planning to lay claim to a large area of the Arctic seabed including the North Pole, a region thought to be rich in oil and gas.
And there isn't a company in the industry that isn't working hard to lay claim to being a leader in cloud services or integrating consumer devices.
For centuries, Georgia and Ossetia have fought over the verdant valleys south of the Caucasus Mountains, each side trumpeting its own version of history to lay claim to the lands.
From Canada to Tasmania, most coastal areas with sea grass beds, mangroves, or coral reefs can lay claim to a seahorse species or two.
Dubious patents were granted, helped in part by court rulings that allowed patents to stand on some software and "business methods" that many thought no one could lay claim to.
The main motivation for librarians to assert their professional status is so that they can lay claim to higher-paid “ALA Accredited Degree or Equivalent” positions in library institutions.
Many people contributed to the body of knowledge available today, and many can lay claim to being a founder.
On July 29, the day after Amazon's new Kindle was unveiled, Sony released a statement proclaiming that it did not want to "lay claim to the cheapest e-reader."
Residents of this asylum for the avantgarde can lay claim to some of the most inventive cuisine in the world, from the beautiful city center to the sleepy suburbs.
To have entered into the nether and returned alive is a feat that only few can lay claim to-and of those few only a handful speak the truth.
But when she sails to the exotic and unknown regions of the South Pacific, a rugged man brave enough to be her guide just may be the one who can lay claim to her heart.
According to currently this teaching present condition origin the text lay claim to should know how to handle classroom observation of method construction or purchase real results language classroom.
Brazilian midfielder Anderson could already lay claim to an unforgettable debut season. But, as he told United Review, there's more he can do to make it even better...
To have entered into the Nether and returned alive is a feat that only few can lay claim to - and of those few, only a handful speak the truth.
To have entered into the Nether and returned alive is a feat that only few can lay claim to - and of those few, only a handful speak the truth.