Aeneas founds or helps to lay the foundations for four cities prior to his arrival in Latium.
A show trial will not help Libya in its understandable passion to lay the foundations for a freer society.
3797 – By this time on Earth killed all life, but mankind will be able to lay the foundations for a new life in another stellar system.
But there will also be opportunities to lay the foundations of a safer and more stable financial system, and so secure sustainable economic growth.
Technicians and workers had battled against bad weather to lay the foundations and building materials had been carried over long distances, he said.
Objective the mental factors of lumbago and dorsalgia were studied, in order to lay theory foundations of psychotherapy for lumbago and dorsalgia.
Harry and the other military veterans helped local residents lay the foundations of a classroom and build a new farm of solar panels to provide electricity.
Those results lay the foundations of clarifying the relation between cytochrome P450 aromatase gene and the mechanism of ESD to a certain extent.
这些结果为揭示细胞色素P 450芳香化酶基因与环境性别决定机制的关系奠定了基础。
The resolute but unbroken Germany, grievously wounded but far from destruction, was able to lay the firm foundations for military revival.
It's the largest scientific expedition team China has sent to Antarctica. The expedition will lay the foundations for China's in-depth exploration of the Antarctic.
These will lay the foundations of a vibrant and world-class university that seeks to nurture leaders who will build a better world.
The main aim of this paper was to lay foundations for further understanding the effects of chitosan on growth and development and qualities and quantity of cucumber.
The main aim of this paper was to lay foundations for further understanding the effects of chitosan on growth and development and qualities and quantity of cucumber.