That is why we must do the hard work to lay the groundwork for progress in our own capitals.
Others suggest that Mr Huntsman may want to run next year purely to lay the groundwork for a run in 2016.
Just follow these eight important steps you can take right now to lay the groundwork for success in the coming months.
The two men began to lay the groundwork for the airline plot when they returned to the UK from trips to Pakistan in December 2005.
The study, designed by doctors with no ties to the company, was an effort to lay the groundwork for future research on germs and ways to get rid of them.
On the other hand, XML was meant to lay the groundwork for a well-formed Web with fewer annoying cross-browser incompatibilities and idiosyncrasies in this, XML mostly failed.
We need to speed up and conclude as early as possible RCEP negotiations to lay the groundwork for a better regional FTA system and ultimately achieve regional economic integration.
BEIJING - China launched an experimental module to lay the groundwork for a future space station on Thursday, underscoring its ambitions to become a major space power over the coming decade.
If the economy continues to improve, the Fed would probably lay the groundwork for higher rates in 2012 by dropping its "extended period" commitment later this year.
In addition to first developing nylon, also helped lay the groundwork for Neoprene.
IT-centric entry points - connectivity and reuse - allow you to lay the technical groundwork for SOA.
Policymakers need to lay the factual groundwork with voters before setting out their plans; but with the breakneck speed of the news-cycle, it is hard for politicians not to take the populist bait.
That interim executive can lay the groundwork for someone within the company to take over later, Wasley says.
Using advanced computer technology to the shearer drum load simulation, for the design of the drum lay the groundwork.
South Korea plans to complete its first space center by the end of next year as part of a program to lay the technological and scientific groundwork for space exploration in coming decades.
Secondly, owing to multiple alleles in multiple parents, the method can exploit gene resource more adequately, which will lay an important genetic groundwork for plant improvement.
Secondly, owing to multiple alleles in multiple parents, the method can exploit gene resource more adequately, which will lay an important genetic groundwork for plant improvement.