He wants to legalize drugs, ban involuntary commitments to mental institutions, and replace state schools with online education.
Japan has been debating whether to legalize casinos since at least 1999.
Owners of such animals are pushing to legalize sales of captive-tiger products.
Utah became the first state in the country this month to legalize gold and silver coins as currency.
West Germany, by contrast, will not be able to legalize any form of euthanasia for a long time to come.
It must be enacted into law in order to legalize the collection of revenues and the expenditure of funds.
But those who are campaigning to legalize euthanasia say that figures such as those from Oregon show the opposite.
It is 16 months since the Northern Territory of Australia became the first place in the world to legalize voluntary euthanasia.
It has been 16 months since Australia's Northern Territory became the first place in the world to legalize voluntary euthanasia.
The "small property" is essentially the problem of collective construction land use right transfer the question of whether to legalize.
We work with a lot of Asian countries, like India, Singapore and if they want to legalize a document they paid for it and we just had to sign.
I want to keyin on the one issue, to legalize freedom of choice, legalize the private optionwithout taking on the whole mess that’s been created.
We didn't get another state to legalize gay marriage, but New Jersey became the third state to legalize civil unions for gay and lesbian couples.
In Haikou, the police even incorporated local civil anti-pickpocketing organizations, it becomes the first to legalize anti-pickpocketing organizations.
"My major concern is how to legalize the magazine," Han said. "I'm worried that it might be called off if it continues to publish in the form of a book."
AgJOBS would allow certain undocumented farmworkers to legalize their immigration status if they can prove they have worked at least 150 days in the fields for the last two years.
West Germany will not be able to legalize any form of euthanasia for a long time to come because opposition to the shadow of the past which is Nazi's medical atrocities is too fierce.
It might be effective for French School to use the positive method of study to legalize comparative literature as a subject, considering the dominant positivism in Europe in the 19th century .
That gives a kind of structure to the morality and the society that's different from the alternative, which would be to fully legalize relationships regardless of gender.
All I need is to fill in your names to the documents and legalize it in the court here to prove you as the legitimate beneficiary.
This means that it is not impossible for us to convert euthanasia from a right which we ought to have into a right which should be legalize...
This means that it is not impossible for us to convert euthanasia from a right which we ought to have into a right which should be legalize...