I want to be your perfect daughter. I don't want to let you down. But, please, don't be so strict. Please, could you give me some break?
Grandfather has told me not to let you fall down the rocks, so we can't go!
For instance, if a car driver slows down to let you cross the road, simply raising your hand in acknowledgement is enough to show that you appreciate the driver's consideration.
You want to see a concert on Saturday, but it is also your mother's birthday and you do not want to let her down.
If anyone here has problems with your shoes, please come to me and I will not let you down.
However, if you catch my hand instead, no matter what happens to me, you will not let me fall down..
In many cases, you can find others might let you down, but this will also open the door to open new doors of opportunity.
So you need to show him that you're not boring and you can let your hair down.
So you need to show him that you’re not boring and you can let your hair down.
But don't let unanswered questions bog you down; move on, even if to an interim commitment.
The toolkits let you identify application performance problems — right down to the transaction level — via transaction tracking, root cause analysis, and resource monitoring.
In real life, listen to what others are thinking or saying, but don't let their notions bring you down.
Don't cancel your plans with your friend or let your friend down just because you want to be with someone you're interested in.
Stay calm and remember that your child trusted you to help when they came to you - don't let them down!
You can't afford to let extra or broken processes and applications continue to hold down your organization, but that doesn't mean you can't help departments find strong replacements.
Remember teaching your child to ride a bike. Eventually you let go of the seat and your child went sailing down to sidewalk only to eventually fall and at some point scrape a knee or palm.
Let your guard down. Talk to someone you don't know straight from your heart. Compliment them.
Learn from the critics or to ignore them, but don't let them bring you down.
Let go. If you need to vent talk with someone or write your feelings down on a piece of paper and then throw it away.
Let go. If you need to vent, talk with someone or write your feelings down on a piece of paper and then throw it away.
When you freewrite, you let your thoughts flow as they will, putting pen to paper and writing down whatever comes into your mind.
You'll also be more likely to exercise regularly, because you won't want to let your buddy down.
If you base your emotions on the need for certain things to happen, you will likely be let down a great deal of the time.
Somehow people know just how to make you feel hurt, angry, insulted, let down, disappointed, abandoned, betrayed.
All I have to say is, if I ama man of God, then, let fire come down from heaven and consume you!
Say you need a diamond. You could go down to the jeweler or you could put some carbon deep underground and let it sit for a couple billion years.
When you feel like giving up on your training, you can think about all of the supporters you won't want to let down.
When you feel like giving up on your training, you can think about all of the supporters you won't want to let down.