Children universally prefer to live in peace and security, even if that means living with only one parent.
All life (living things) seemed to live in peace.
And many Jews created a country in Israel and wanted to live in peace.
They also learn mediation skills to help hostile neighbors to live in peace.
He dreamt that the Olympics would make for people of all countries to live in peace.
Many believe that one day the earth will be destroyed if people do not learn to live in peace.
God himself has placed in the human heart an instinctive tendency to live in peace and harmony.
We recognize that all peoples of the world have the right to live in peace, free from fear and want.
And when that happens, we will be able to help others and our whole society to live in peace and joy.
That is not a sustainable long-term position if the major powers of Asia are to find a way to live in peace.
Children universally prefer to live in peace and security, even if that means living with only one parent...
Actions that stimulate endorphins, such as sleep, may increase the chances of coming to live in peace of mind.
It took many Agarthan factions hundreds of years and even millennia of dedicated self improvement until they have learned to live in peace.
You are free to accept or reject their teachings, but only those who learn to live in peace will pass to the higher realms of spiritual evolution.
Yet, it seems like an impossible challenge, where we end up mentally punishing ourselves for failing, concluding that "I'm just not made to live in peace."
Everyone hated him, because his breach of a delicate equilibrium that is vital for us to live in peace with each other - he studied just a little too hard.
And Israel has a particular reason to avoid killing civilians, since the people it is bombing are the neighbours with whom it so much needs to live in peace.
Jizha felt that with so much warfare, there was no way for the people to live in peace and security. Thus he traveled throughout the states making goodwill missions as a "peace ambassador."
Khrushchev: "we want to live in peace and friendship with Americans because we are the two most powerful countries, and if we live in friendship, then other countries will also live in friendship."
But as one peace plan after another has foundered, the voices calling for the two peoples to live as equal citizens in one country are slowly multiplying.
All these proposals were designed to create the New Sudan that southerners dream of: an integrated, federal and multiethnic nation that, for the first time in decades, could live at peace with itself.
After experimentation on an individual, it is allowed to live out its life in peace - with its new limbs back in place.
And in the memory of those we lost we continue to work for a world where all people, all people in every part of this world can live in dignity, freedom, and peace.
In a recent paper, he tries to assess whether Germany is doing enough to live up to its self-image of being "a power of peace".
It was a reminder of the bloodshed the region has known for centuries and the underlying desire of warriors to put down their weapons and live in peace.
It was a reminder of the bloodshed the region has known for centuries and the underlying desire of warriors to put down their weapons and live in peace.