It is only when the disease has progressed to AIDS that a person begins to look sick.
He asked for two weeks' leave to look after his sick father.
In our human society, when a child's parents meet their unfortunate deaths for a certain reason or reasons, or its parents become too sick to look after it, this child will have to find a foster family, especially when it is a baby or at a very young age.
The key is to try and avoid a debate over whether your loved one is sick and instead look for common ground.
He said that his wife had travelled up to the city to look after her father, who was very sick, but that she would be back soon, maybe in a week's time.
Then why does Mom call her boss claiming to be sick when she's not, and why does Dad say Mom's dress doesn't make her look fat?
He told me that he couldn't attend the meeting the next day because he would have to look after his sick mother.
Once, I thought I was fat, in order to look as perfect as the movie stars, I went on diet, I refused the delicious food, which made me sick.
The boy didn't come to class yesterday, not because he himself was ill but because he had to look after his sick grandmother in hospital.
Let bygones be bygones. It must has made sick in my heart. How to clear it? Look at what to do of you.
This is really sick; it's hard to understand that what kind of people would hurt an animal when they are look into their innocent eyes.
In order to look after her sick mother, Mary decided to resign her position as a manager in the company.
Not good. I force myself to eat, but every-time I look at food, I feel sick.
A new law which would alow fathers totakesick leave to look after their sick children comes into force on 15 February, 2009.
And he went to the sick king and asked his permission to set out and look for the Water of Life, for only that could heal him.
I think human decency requires us to look after someone who is sick --- but is holding hair back when someone vomits, doing laundry, and enjouying cooking together REALLY signs we found "the one?"
When I had fallen sick at the age of 10, I intent to learn medication so that I could look after my health in the future.
Bobby: they're lazy and they're slow and they make me sick to look at.
Bobby: they're lazy and they're slow and they make me sick to look at.