Orga didn't want to lose out the other salesman.
Fred didn't want to lose out to the other salesman.
CNN, meanwhile, continues to lose out to its more strident rivals, in prime time at least.
If not, you're going to lose out to the TV shows, movies, games, and Web applications that make their functions clear and obvious.
Is it ultimately these industries that don't give Shanghai its blue sky, or is it functional departments unwilling to lose out on money?
In addition, productive native plants began to lose out to species that thrive at higher temperatures, but are less productive than the natives.
If that's not enough to motivate the big brands from making smart proactive change, then maybe this thought will: Do you really want to lose out to a traveling gnome?
The can's excellent performance and low cost means that it will remain a key pack type, but will continue to lose out to other formats that offer added functionality.
Zhang Jinyun relies on high to lose out in oneself hind, ever had done apprentice, had done coolie, tough life aroused him to change the dream of the current situation.
In this final moment of reckoning, multi-channel companies whoseoffline business has already established a strong brand and loyal customers areless likely to lose out on the sale.
The bottom 10% or 20% of business-to-business salespeople, especially those who are selling a simple product with a short sales cycles, are going to lose out to B2B e-commerce.
他说:“最底层10%或20%的B2B推销员,尤其是那些推销产品简单、销售周期短的员工,将会被B2 B电子商务取代。”
What easier way is there for a nurse, a policeman, a barber, or a waiter to lose professional identity than to step out of uniform?
To start to lose weight right away, she cut out all the junk food and ate more fruit and vegetables.
"If you lose, think carefully about it, and if you win, just work harder," the young pianist said, "I still need to practise more to become better, to bring out the real beauty of classical music through the piano."
If the park's delicate balance ever fails, the world will lose a treasure far out of proportion to its size.
Skipping meals throw your metabolism out of balance, causing you to gain fat and lose energy.
Skipping meals throw your metabolism out of balance, causing you to gain fat and lose energy.
'free' makes us feel good and 'free' has no downside; it we didn't pay we've got nothing to lose if our decision turns out to be wrong.
The South Korean pact had fuelled fears in Japan that domestic companies would lose out in competitiveness to their South Korean rival.
Patients eventually will lose their ability to carry out the simplest tasks in their daily lives.
If children can imagine how it feels to be left out of a game or to lose a pet, they are better able to help those in need.
If those fail to materialise, it is not just Florida and Texas that will lose out.
I like the idea of building a hugely successful blog, but every once in a while, I lose the motivation to keep churning out stories.
I like the idea of building a hugely successful blog, but every once in a while, I lose the motivation to keep churning out stories.