Security forces are allowed to use what's called "necessary force" to maintain order and can search people and premises without a warrant.
A basic purpose of law in our society is to maintain order and to resolve disputes.
The Speaker of the House of Commons often has to maintain order with a strong hand.
To maintain order during the holiday, more than 500 security workers were stationed at the Forbidden City.
"We felt clocking out is a fair way to maintain order while keeping our operations running smoothly," he said.
This young man volunteered to maintain order in the Jiuzhou gymnastic stadium. Others brought food and hot soup.
People are too used to use force to maintain order, so can't consider not suppression of social organization.
In order to maintain order, consciously soldiers surrounded a circle hand in hand, the stars around the inside.
Many police officers to maintain order, fire engines stationed in the school as early as yesterday, just in case.
It is understood that 3,000 soldiers and police officers have been called up to maintain order during the hearing.
To maintain order and unity in groups larger and less homogeneous than extended family systems is a complex and difficult task.
This contact may help to maintain order within a group, and stroking or touching are part of the courtship ritual in most species.
Later that day, June 2, the White House said the Pentagon had received clear instructions to maintain order and keep the Cubans on the base.
There have been several burglaries in our residential quarters. In order to maintain order and security, a public security team has been set up.
The definition of law depends on how we look at its purposes or functions. A basic purpose of law in our society is to maintain order and to resolve disputes.
Meanwhile, Chilean security forces are attempting to maintain order and prevent looting, while also distributing food and water and assisting in search and recovery efforts.
In practice, it is important to use coincident performance counterplea properly. It has great significance to maintain order of transaction and guarantee security of transaction.
In addition, the frame can see these people continue to beat people already fell to the ground, and the police because of scheduling problem, not play the role to maintain order.
We HAVE to maintain order in the forum, and once we have advised a poster that they have not had a risk, or they are conclusively negative, there isn't much more we can tell them.
However, there are a greater number of supporters because the venue has reached maximum capacity and stranded outside the ANC had moved a large number of police to maintain order over-the-counter.
There are steps you can take to help reduce abdominal fat and maintain lean muscle mass as you age in order to protect both your physical and mental wellbeing.
Wage rates must be maintained in order to maintain the purchasing power of the consumer.
As mentioned earlier, sensors can be used by DBAs to accumulate server data in order to maintain a history of activities on the server.
In other words, for citizens, abiding by the laws to maintain social order is of primary importance, while avoiding violation of them, which incurs punishment, is of secondary importance.
Rather, it embraces the transparency in order to maintain clarity of the flow of all data across XML applications.
In order to maintain this kind of household structure, a very hierarchical household structure, this author sets up offices in the church.
These simple examples should make it clear that transactions are necessary in order to maintain data integrity and consistency.
These simple examples should make it clear that transactions are necessary in order to maintain data integrity and consistency.