They remove the insides of the pumpkin and cut pieces from the outside to make a face.
They remove the insides of the pumpkin, and cut pieces from the outside to make a face.
In addition to the school to make a face to face encounter, their lives rarely intersect.
Seeing her weeping, I thought I should try to have the same feeling as her, or to make a face of empathy.
It suggests some reference for the managers of man-power resource to know how to make a face-to-face talk if possible.
It's a problem all of us face: you have limited time with the person that you want to talk and you want to make this talk memorable.
Their inability to scowl seemed to impair their ability to see why pushy telemarketers or a lack of birthday wishes might make one's face fall.
We have to make a decision when we face life or death.
If you make a mistake, don't try to hide it. Face it and correct it.
These students do not want to get in trouble or seem irresponsible, so they make up an excuse—a lie—to save face.
Severe depression can push a person to face unpalatable truths and make difficult decisions that ultimately promote their survival and reproductive success.
At face value - if seen purely in terms of defensiveness - the response among the men doesn't seem to make a lot of sense.
Yet, not a single person on the face of this earth knows how to make me.
But there is another story, one of ordinary people persevering in the face of incredible odds to make a better life for themselves and their children.
Excessively proud people want to make more than they did in their last job because anything less would be a slap in the face.
But AIDS advocates say they face a wealth of restrictions that make it hard to carry out grass-roots activities.
Learn from the experience: the sole purpose of every experience is to make you a better person who can confidently face whatever life has to offer.
If you're heading to an interview from a current job or even from home, schedule it so you have time to wash your face, shave, and make sure your suit is fresh and wrinkle-free.
In taking that all-important question a step further, there are a number of obstacles that you will face as you make the transition from one paradigm to another.
"It took over a week to do her face - that was the hardest because everybody knows what it looks like so we had to make sure it was exactly right."
It usually takes a little bit of Hollywood magic to convincingly make a cloud look like a person's face, but a man in New Brunswick, Canada might have seen the real thing.
After a quick make-up session, my father-in-law was ready to be placed in the traditional wooden coffin that had a small window on the cover allowing mourners to look at his face.
That was also a slap in the face of foreign diplomats who thought they had a deal with Mr Kibaki not to make any appointments until the business of mediation had run its course.
Don’t let the set backs affect your mood, instead see each new obstacle you face as an opportunity to make a positive change.
Yes we face a determined foe, and make no mistake-they will keep trying to hit us again.
Those who falsely accuse helpers of causing their injuries will face punishments ranging from having to make a public apology to paying fines or even detention.
Ming immediately put up a poor face and hugged the man's legs, crying to him, "Oh, my dear friend!" I am selling phones to make a living.
ON the face of things, the argument is all about a handful of missiles which, whatever their wider role, will make no difference to the balance of power in Europe.
You can make a custom character out of these avatars, or import a picture to use a custom face.
You can make a custom character out of these avatars, or import a picture to use a custom face.